New Hampshire
Secretary of State

State House, Concord, New Hampshire
May 8, 2014, 10:15 a.m.


New Hampshire Hospital
#A. Authorize to accept donations from January 1, 2014 through March 31, 2014 from contributors in the amount of $1,011.19 and deposit into the Resident Benefit Fund.

#B. Authorize to accept non-monetary donations totaling $4,166 received during the period of January 1, 2014 through March 31, 2014 as a result of contributions.

#2 Authorize to retroactively amend a grant agreement with the Town of Pittsfield, NH (originally approved by G&C on 6-6-12, item #2, in the amount of $500,000), to allow for job preservation and rebuilding due to a March 6, 2014 fire at the Rustic Crust Pizza facility, by extending the completion date to December 31, 2014 from December 31, 2013. No Additional Funding. 100% Federal Funds.

#3 Authorize to amend a grant agreement with the Town of Marlborough, NH (originally approved by G&C on 3-3-13, item #2, in the amount of $492,500), to allow for completion of construction and occupation of the units in the Marlborough Homes project, by extending the completion date to December 31, 2014 from June 30, 2014. No Additional Funding. 100% Federal Funds.

#4 Authorize to award a grant to the City of Keene, NH, in the amount of $500,000 for the purpose of providing funds to Monadnock Economic Development Corporation to expand the manufacturing facility leased by Samson Manufacturing Corporation. Effective May 8, 2014 through June 30, 2016. 100% Federal Funds.

#5 Authorize to retroactively amend funding (originally approved by G&C On 5-1-13, item #4), by reallocating ARRA Retrofit Ramp-Up Program Funding between expenditure classes in the amount of $34,204.21, and by extending the completion date from September 30, 2013 to November 1, 2014. 100% Federal ARRA Funds. Fiscal Committee approved.

#6 Authorize to retroactively amend item #7, approved by G&C on September 18, 2013, by extending the SB99 (of 2013) site evaluation process performance period from March 31, 2014 to October 31, 2014. No Additional Funding. 100% Other Funds (PUC – Renewable Energy Fund). Fiscal Committee approved.

#7 Authorize to transfer funds in the amount of $400,000 in SFY 2014 in Other (Class 027) funds. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2014. 100% Other (Agency Class 27) Funds. Fiscal Committee approved.

#8 Authorize, for the benefit of State agencies, to enter into a contract with System Automation Corporation, Columbia, MD, for licensing services, in the amount of $1,296,814. Effective upon G&C approval through July 31, 2018, with the option to renew up to but not beyond July 31, 2021. 100% Capital Funds.

#9 Authorize to receive an additional appropriation from funds not otherwise appropriated in the amount of $150,000. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2015. 100% General Funds. Fiscal Committee approved.

#10 Authorize confirmation of Major Robert A. Connors, Manchester, NH, for promotion to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, NH Air National Guard.

#11 Authorize confirmation of Lieutenant Colonel Mark H. Ustaszewski, Lumberton, NJ, for appointment to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, NH Air National Guard.

#12 Authorize confirmation of Major Nicolas S. Alcocer, Alton, OK, for appointment to the rank of Major, NH Air National Guard.

#13 Authorize confirmation of Lieutenant Colonel John W. Pogorek, Strafford, NH, for promotion to the rank of Colonel, NH Air National Guard.

#14 Authorize to accept and expend State Administrative Expense program funds available from the sale of pallets and equipment paid for and/or made available through the US Department of Agriculture in the amount of $2,263, for replacement of the digital video recorder and one camera used for security of the USDA Commodity Foods as well as supplies for the annual Advisory Council meeting. (2)Further authorize to accept and expend $27,075 from FFY 2013 reallocation of SAE funds approved by the Department of Agriculture on August 2, 2013. (3)Further authorize to accept and expend $23,325 in FY 2014. The USDA has authorized $113,978 in federal funding in the SAE program for federal fiscal year 2014, an increase of $46,650 from our original state budgeted amount. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2014. 100% Federal Funds.

#15 Authorize the Bureau of Purchase and Property, Surplus Distribution Section to accept and expend The Emergency Feeding Assistance Program funds available from the US Department of Agriculture, in the amount of $69,729, for funding of the warehousing and distribution of USDA commodity foods. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2014. 100% Federal Funds.

#16 Authorize the Bureau of Court Facilities to enter into a lease agreement with Strafford County, Dover, NH, for courtroom and office space for the Strafford County Superior Court & 7th Circuit – Probate Division Courthouse, comprised of approximately 36,652 square feet located on the 1st & 2nd Floor of 259 County Farm Road, Dover, NH, in an amount not to exceed $2,047,240.92. Effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2018. 100% Transfer Funds (transfer from AOC, Rent from Other Agencies).

#17 Authorize, on behalf of the NH Deferred Compensation Commission, to budget and expend funds in the amount of $87,000 earned from contractual payments from Great-West Retirement Services, which will be used to pay for expenses. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2014. 100% Agency Income (DAS) – Restricted.

#18 Authorize the Bureau of Public Works and Construction to enter into a contract with Advanced Excavating & Paving Inc., Suncook, NH, for Phase III Rehab & Drainage Improvements, Hugh Gallen State Office Park South, Concord, NH, for a total price not to exceed $685,700. (2)Further authorize the amount of $15,000 for payment to the Department of Administrative Services, Bureau of Public Works Design and Construction, Capital Clerk for oversight and engineering services provided, bringing the total to $700,700. Effective upon G&C approval through October 1, 2014. 100% Capital – General Funds.

#18A Authorize the Risk Management Unit to enter into a contract with Managed Medical Review Organization Inc., Novi, MI, for the administration of Advice to Pay Services for Short-Term Disability provided to state employees consistent with the State Collective Bargaining Agreements, in an amount not to exceed $30,000. (2)Further authorize to accept and expend funds in the amount not to exceed $30,000 from individual state agencies, in support of the above contract. Effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015, with the option to renew for up to two additional years. 100% Agency Income.

#19 Authorize to proceed with the sale and issuance of up to $8 million of general obligation bonds through a private placement with the NH Municipal Bond Bank, should the NHMBB choose to proceed. Effective upon G&C approval through September 30, 2014.

#20 Authorize to issue a warrant from funds not otherwise appropriated in the amount of $88,011 and the State Treasurer to issue checks in the amount of $88,010.80 to the rightful owners of abandoned or unclaimed funds.

#21 Authorize to accept and expend real estate broker and salesperson fees for examination to be administered for the balance of FY2014 in the amount of $30,000. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2014. 100% Other Funds.

#22 Authorize to make a one-time retroactive unencumbered payment to Harry-O Electrical, Loudon, in the amount of $1,222 for repairs to the fire alarm at the Contoocook Covered Bridge. Effective upon G&C approval. 100% Other Funds.

#23 Authorize to make retroactive unencumbered stipend payments to applicants for travel expenses related to interviews with the search committee in an amount not to exceed $2,000. Effective April 1, 2014 through August 30, 2014. 100% Federal Funds.

#23A Authorize to transfer funds in and among accounting units in the amount of $75,000 to enable the purchase of eFile web application components. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2014. 100% General Funds. Fiscal Committee approved.

#24 Authorize to enter into a grant with the Town of Barrington, NH, in the amount of $20,000 for the Islinglass River – Calef Conservation Project, Town of Barrington, Stafford County. Effective upon G&C approval through April 30, 2016. 100% Other Funds – State Conservation Committee.

#25 Authorize to create one new full-time temporary Attorney II, labor grade 28, within class 059 for the purpose of statewide investigations and prosecutions of drug related activities. (2)Further authorize to accept and expend $119,820 of Federal Forfeitures for the purpose of supporting the full time Attorney II positions responsible for the statewide investigations and prosecutions of drug related activities. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2015. 100% Federal Forfeitures. Fiscal Committee approved.

#26 Authorize to amend item #26, approved by G&C on October 2, 2013, by reallocating $9,000 of a grant received from the US Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime, in the amount of $485,044. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2014. 100% Federal Funds. Fiscal Committee approved.

#27 Authorize to designate Lynda W. Ruel as Director of the Office of Victim/Witness Assistance at a salary of $72,564 (LG FF, Step 3). Effective May 9, 2014 through June 30, 2018.

#28 Authorize to enter into a sub grant with the Grafton County Department of Corrections, in the amount of $4,900 from the US Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance FFY 2013 Residential Substance Abuse Treatment grant program for residential substance abuse treatment programming. Effective upon G&C approval through September 30, 2014. 100% Federal Funds.

#29 Authorize to enter into a contract with the Tsunis Holding Inc., d/b/a Holiday Inn, Concord, NH, for the purpose of providing a handicapped accessible room and refreshments for the annual Municipal Trustees Seminars scheduled for June 4, 11 and 16, 2014, in the amount of $3,480.80. Effective upon G&C approval through June 16, 2014. 100% Other Funding (Charitable Trust Fees).

#30 Authorize to create a new expenditure class and to transfer $173,524 within and among accounts to reallocate appropriations and cover budget shortfalls. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2014. 63% General, 27% Other Funds. Fiscal Committee approved.

#31 Authorize to amend a contract with Wedu Inc., Manchester, NH (originally approved by G&C on 7-10-13, item #58), for the sole purpose of providing professional advertising and promotional services for underage drinking awareness programs, by increasing the price from $6,427,371 to $6,727,371 an increase of $300,000. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2016. 100% Liquor Funds.

Office of Medicaid Business and Policy
#31A Authorize to enter into a sole source agreement with Health Management Systems Inc., New York, NY, to manage the NH mandatory Health Insurance Premium Payment program under the NH Health Protection Act in an amount not to exceed $13,303,980. Effective upon G&C approval through December 31, 2016. 50% General, 50% Federal Funds.

#31B Authorize to enter into an agreement with Louis Karno & Company LLC, Concord, NH, to provide professional services to assist in the development and implementation of a comprehensive information and education plan to support knowledge and compliance with the NH Health Protection Program, in an amount not to exceed $913,550. Effective upon G&C approval through August 31, 2015. 50% Federal, 50% General Funds.

Division of Public Health Services
#32 Authorize the Bureau of Public Health Systems, Policy and Performance, Section of Rural Health and Primary Care to enter into an agreement with Qualtrics LLC, Provo, UT, to provide a Health Professional Workforce Survey Software as a Service, in an amount not to exceed $75,000. Effective upon G&C approval through April 10, 2019. 100% General Funds.

#33 Authorize a contract renewal with NH Coalition for Citizens with Disabilities Inc., Concord, NH, (originally approved by G&C on 8-8-12, item #39), to provide education, resources and support to parents of young children who have a suspected or confirmed hearing loss, by increasing the price by $60,000 from $60,000 to $120,000, and by extending the completion date from June 30, 2014 to June 30, 2016. 100% Federal Funds.

#34 Authorize to amend an agreement with ICF Macro Inc., Fairfax, VA (originally approved by G&C on 2-6-13, item #37), to conduct additional health surveys, by increasing the price by $56,000 from $662,455 to $718,455. Effective upon G&C approval through December 31, 2014. 50% Federal, 50% General Funds.

#34A Authorize to amend agreements with 13 vendors as detailed in letter dated March 28, 2014, (12 agreements were originally approved by G&C on 6-20-12, items 125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136, and 1 originally approved by G&C on 7-11-12, item #31), to provide primary care services, by increasing the price by $4,293,569 from $5,173,800 to $9,467,369. This amount includes a request to retroactively enter into sole source amendments in an amount of $648,347, effective retroactive to July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 and to exercise a one year renewal option with the same 13 vendors in an amount of $3,645,222, extending the completion date from June 30, 2014 through June 30, 2015. 13% Federal, 87% General Funds.

#34B Authorize to amend agreements with 3 vendors as detailed in letter dated April 3, 2014, (2 agreements were originally approved by G&C on 6-6-12, items 68 & 69, and 1 originally approved by G&C on 6-20-12, item #124), to provide primary care services for individuals experiencing homelessness, by increasing the price by $319,787 from $356,000 to $675,787. This amount includes a request to retroactively enter into sole source amendments in an amount of $53,170, effective retroactive to July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 and to exercise a one year renewal option with the same 3 vendors in an amount of $266,617, extending the completion date from June 30, 2014 through June 30, 2015. 6% Federal, 94% General Funds.

#34C Authorize to exercise a contract amendment with Child Health Services, Manchester, NH, (originally approved by G&C on 6-20-12, item #115), to provide pediatric primary care and adolescent health care services, by increasing the price by $366,596 from $424,616 to $791,212. This amount includes a request to retroactively enter into a sole source amendment in an amount of $48,483, effective retroactive to July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014, and exercise a one year renewal option in an amount of $318,113, extending the completion date from June 30, 2014 to June 30, 2015. 4% Federal, 96% General Funds.

Division for Children, Youth & Families
#35 Authorize to enter into an agreement with Jane McMahon, Registered Dental Hygienist, Concord, NH, to provide dental hygienist services to the adjudicated youth at the John H. Sununu Youth Services Center, in an amount not to exceed $31,200. Effective July 1, 2014 or upon G&C approval, whichever is later, through June 30, 2016. 100% General Funds.

#36 Authorize to enter into an agreement with Robert B. Duhaime, DMD, Peterborough, NH, to provide dental services to youth at the John H. Sununu Youth Services Center, in an amount not to exceed $51,000. Effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2016. 100% General Funds.

#37 Authorize a sole source agreement renewal with Antioch University New England, Keene, NH (originally approved by G&C on 7-10-13, item #38), to provide project evaluation services, by increasing the price by $172,695 from $200,742 to $373,437, and by extending the completion date from June 30, 2014 to June 30, 2015. 100% Federal Funds.

#38 Authorize to pay a membership fee to the Interstate Commission for Juveniles, Lexington, KY, for an annual membership, in the amount of $12,000. Effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. 25% Federal, 75% General Funds.

#39 Authorize to amend a sole source agreement with the Granite State Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health, Manchester, NH, (originally approved by G&C on 7-10-13, item #36), to increase activities of the youth coordinator in order to support youth enrolled in the System of Care with more leadership opportunities, by increasing the price by $103,859 from $83,059 to $186,918, and by extending the completion date from June 30, 2014 to June 30, 2015. 100% Federal Funds.

#40 Authorize to enter into a sole source agreement with New Futures Inc., Concord, NH, to provide family and community support networks for families of children with Serious Emotional Disturbances and Substance Use Disorders in an amount not to exceed $113,500. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2015. 100% Federal Funds.

#41 Authorize to amend an existing sole source agreement with the University of NH, Durham, NH (originally approved by G&C on 7-10-13, item #37), to continue efforts in expanding NH’s workforce development in the children’s behavioral health system, by increasing the price by $347,507 from $230,481 to $577,988, and by extending the completion date from June 30, 2014 to June 30, 2015. Effective upon G&C approval. 100% Federal Funds.

#42 Authorize to enter into an agreement with the University of NH, Durham, NH, for a training partnership that will provide educational and training opportunities to the Division for Children, Youth and Families’ staff and other identified parties, in an amount not to exceed $766,767. Effective July 1, 2014 or upon G&C approval, whichever is later, through June 30, 2015. 75% Federal, 15% General Funds.

Division of Client Services
#43 Authorize to enter into sole source agreements with: Janet McQueeney, Concord, NH, in the amount of $31,200; Carolynne M. Shinn, Weare, NH, in the amount of $32,500; and Sylvia Stewart, Goffstown, NH, in the amount of $31,200, for the provision of disability determination services in an amount not to exceed $94,900. Effective July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015. 75% Federal, 25% General Funds.

#43A Authorize to amend a sole source contract with Deloitte Consulting LLP, Harrisburg, PA (originally approved by G&C on 10-3-12, item #36), to modify the New HEIGHTS scope of work to accommodate the recent legislation mandating the implementation of the NH Health Protection Program to provide a coordinated strategy to access private insurance coverage for uninsured, low-income citizens with income up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level using available, cost-effective health care coverage options for Medicaid newly eligible individuals at the earliest practicable date, by increasing the price by $5,568,907 from $44,655,636.33 to an amount not to exceed $50,224,543.33. Effective May 8, 2014 or upon G&C approval, whichever is later. 90% Federal, 10% General Funds.

Bureau of Homeless and Housing Services
#44 Authorize to enter into agreements, three of which are retroactive, with the vendors as detailed in letter dated April 2, 2014, to provide permanent and transitional housing programs to facilitate the movement of homeless individuals to permanent housing and maximum self-sufficiency through the Federal Continuum of Care program in an amount not to exceed $1,089,408. Effective upon G&C approval. 100% Federal Funds.

Bureau of Elderly & Adult Services
#45 Authorize to amend one agreement (originally approved by G&C on 8-14-13, item #41 and 9-4-13, item #59), and enter into two new agreements with multiple vendors as Medical Services Consultants to complete medical eligibility assessments for Medicaid applicants seeking Long Term Care services, by increasing the price in the aggregate by $84,820 from $501,802 to $586,622, and by extending the completion date to June 30, 2015 from June 30, 2014. 75% Federal, 25% General Funds.

New Hampshire Hospital
#46 Authorize to enter into a retroactive agreement with Carrier Corporation, Canton, MA, to completely repair, to operational capacity, Chiller #2 for cooling of the Acute Psychiatric Services building, in the amount not to exceed $75,000. Effective April 11, 2014 through June 30, 2016. 100% General Funds.

#47 Authorize to accept monies totaling $9,001.71 received during the period of January 1, 2014 to March 31, 2014 as a result of fundraising drives from various organizations and from personal contributions, to be placed in the Benefit Fund.

#48 Authorize the Bureau of Historic Sites to make a sole source retroactive payment to Denron Plumbing & HVAC LLC, Manchester, NH, for emergency heating system repairs at the Oceanfront Pavilion and South Pavilion in Hampton Beach State Park, per invoice dated January 31, 2014, in the amount of $12,832. 100% Park Funds.

#49 Authorize to accept and place on file the Division of Parks and Recreations’ reports for transfers of funds for the period ending March 31, 2014.

#50 Authorize the Division of Parks and Recreation to enter into a contract with Bolen’s Septic and Portable Toilets LLC, Stewartstown, NH, for septic pumping and disposal at 12 state park facilities and 1 welcome information center, in the amount of $15,543. (2)Further authorize a contingency in the amount of $3,109 to cover any unforeseen septic issues. Effective July 1, 2014 through October 31, 2014. 99% Park Fund, 1% Highway Funds.

#51 Authorize the Division of Parks and Recreation to enter into a contract with Lamprey Suburban Septic Inc., Moultonborough, NH, for septic pumping and disposal at 5 state park facilities, in the amount of $13,373. (2)Further authorize a contingency in the amount of $2,675 to cover any unforeseen septic issues. Effective upon G&C approval through October 31, 2014. 100% Park Funds.

#52 Authorize the Division of Parks and Recreation to amend a contract with Flavor Concepts LLC, Dover, NH (originally approved by G&C on 4-17-13, item #69), to provide commission-based non-exclusive catering services at the Oceanfront Pavilion and South Pavilion Conference Room at Hampton Beach State Park, by extending the completion date retroactively to March 31, 2017 from March 31, 2014. No State Funds.

#53 Authorize to hold a Hunter Education Volunteer Recognition and Training Seminar on May 31, 2014, for a total cost of $5,997.50. (2)Further authorize to purchase volunteer recognition awards for a cost not to exceed $1,000 to be presented to volunteer instructors at this event. (3)Further authorize to pay the White Mountain Chalet Caterers Inc., $4,997.50 for refreshments and a lunch buffet for the Hunter Education Volunteer Recognition Banquet and Seminar on May 31, 2014. 100% Federal Funds.

#54 Authorize to enter into a contract with Baker Valley Floors Inc., for replacement of existing VCT flooring at the Owl Brook Hunter Education Center, Holderness, NH, in the amount of $6,639. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2014. 100% Federal Funds.

#55 Authorize to accept and expend $73,281; $23,281 from the Department of Environmental Services and $50,000 from the Town of Greenland, for the purpose of completing work on the Winnicut River Dam Removal and Fish Passage project. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2015. 100% Agency Income.

#56 Authorize to enter into a contract with Prescient Information Systems d/b/a CMM Document Services, Indianapolis, IN, for services to convert microfilm media to digital media for the Land Resources Management Program, for a total amount of $15,370. Effective upon G&C approval through September 30, 2014. 100% Wetlands Fees.

#57 Authorize to accept and place on file the SFY 2013 report on the Milfoil and other Exotic Plants Preventions Program, including a description and research projects funded by the Program and the extend of aid to municipalities or subdivisions of the state, non-profit corporations, and research institutions.

#58 Authorize a loan agreement with the Salt River Condominium Association Inc., Stratham, NH, to finance water system improvements, in the amount not to exceed $49,500. Effective upon G&C approval. 79% Federal, 21% Capital (General) Funds.

#59 Authorize to enter into grant agreements with: The Town of Lyme, in the amount of $10,306; and Squam Lakes Association, Holderness, NH, in the amount of $17,764 totaling $28,070, to fund exotic aquatic plant control activities. Effective upon G&C approval through December 31, 2014. 100% Lake Restoration Funds.

#60 Authorize to enter into grant agreements with the entities as detailed in letter dated April 14, 2014, totaling $61,218 to fund exotic aquatic plant control activities. Effective upon G&C approval through December 31, 2014. 100% Lake Restoration Funds.

#61 Authorize to award grant aid funds to the North Conway Water Precinct, Conway, NH, in the aggregate amount of $3,400,852 for wastewater facility projects. Effective upon G&C approval. 100% General Funds.

#62 Authorize to award grant aid funds to the entities as detailed in letter dated April 21, 2014, in the aggregate amount of $3,885,942 for wastewater facility projects. Effective upon G&C approval. 100% General Funds.

#63 Authorize to award grant aid funds to the entities as detailed in letter dated April 9, 2014, in the aggregate amount of $1,885,166 for wastewater facility projects. Effective upon G&C approval. 100% General Funds.

#64 Authorize to award a Local Source Water Protection grant to the City of Lebanon, NH, in the amount of $10,000 to complete a project to protect public drinking water systems. Effective upon G&C approval through May 31, 2015. 100% Federal Funds.

#65 Authorize to award a Local Source Water Protection grant to the Strafford Regional Planning Commission, Rochester, NH, in the amount of $12,677.56 to complete a project to protect public drinking water systems. Effective upon G&C approval through May 31, 2015. 100% Federal Funds.

#66 Authorize to award a Local Source Water Protection grant to the Town of Pittsburg, NH, in the amount of $14,250 to complete a project to protect public drinking water systems. Effective upon G&C approval through May 31, 2015. 100% Federal Funds.

#67 Authorize to award a Local Source Water Protection grant to the Town of Plaistow, NH, in the amount of $19,995.70 to complete a project to protect public drinking water systems. Effective upon G&C approval through May 31, 2015. 100% Federal Funds.

#68 Authorize to award an Asset Management grant to the Rollinsford Water & Sewer District, Rollinsford, NH, in the amount of $13,250 to improve public water system management. Effective upon G&C approval through May 31, 2015. 100% Federal Funds.

#69 Authorize to enter into an agreement with the Rockingham County Conservation District, Brentwood, NH, in the amount of $64,000 to complete the Great Bay Watershed Management Plan Implementation, Phase 1: Permeable Reactive Barrier Demonstration Project. Effective upon G&C approval through December 31, 2016. 100% Federal Funds.

#70 Authorize to enter into an agreement with the Silver Lake Land Trust, Harrisville, NH, to complete the Silver Lake Watershed Management Plan Implementation Phase 2: Soak Up the Rain Silver Lake Project, in the amount of $10,350. Effective upon G&C approval through December 31, 2016. 100% Federal Funds.

#71 Authorize to enter into an agreement with the Belknap County Conservation District, to complete the Gunstock Brook: Implementation of Meredith, Paugus, and Saunders Bays Watershed Management Plan (Phase I) Geomorphology-based Restoration at Route 11B Mass Failure/Wasting Site, in the amount of $69,800. Effective upon G&C approval through December 31, 2016. 100% Federal Funds.

#72 Authorize to enter into an agreement with the Lake Winnipesaukee Watershed Association, Meredith, NH, to complete the Moultonborough Bay Inlet Watershed Restoration Plan Development and Implementation Phase I project, in the amount of $55,630. Effective upon G&C approval through December 31, 2016. 100% Federal Funds.

#73 Authorize to enter into an agreement with the City of Laconia, NH, to complete the Jewett Brook Watershed Management Plan Phase 1 – Restoration of Floodplain Access, in the amount of $40,000. Effective upon G&C approval through December 31, 2016. 100% Federal Funds.

#74 Authorize to enter into an agreement with the Great Bay Stewards Inc., Greenland, NH, to complete the Soak Up the Rain Great Bay Project, in the amount of $15,000. Effective upon G&C approval through December 31, 2016. 100% Federal Funds.

#75 Authorize to retroactively pay the General Educational Development Testing Service annual fee in an amount not to exceed $18,561. Effective January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014. 100% General Funds.

#76 Authorize to accept and expend $150,000 in School Wide Integrated Framework for Transformation funds, funded by the US Department of Education through the SWIFT Center at the University of Kansas Center for Research Inc., to substantially improve the achievement of students in NH public schools. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2015. 100% Other Funds. Fiscal Committee approved.

#77 Authorize the Division of State Police to transfer funds within Watercraft Safety, in the amount of $153,750 for equipment purchases, training, and agency accreditation. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2014. 100% Revolving Funds. Fiscal Committee approved.

#78 Authorize the Division of Administration to transfer $17,200 within the account entitled Dyed Fuel Evasion Enforcement, to re-align available funds that will be used by the Department for motor fuel training opportunities and conferences held by the Federation of Tax Administrators and the International Fuel Tax Agreement Inc. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2015. 100% Federal Funds. Fiscal Committee approved.

#79 Authorize to enter into an agreement with Contigiani’s Catering Service Inc., Laconia, NH, to provide catering services for students, activations of the Emergency Operations Center, and other events, in an amount not to exceed $164,800. Effective July 1, 2014 or upon G&C approval, whichever is later, through June 30, 2017.

#80 Authorize the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management to enter into a grant agreement with the School Administrative Unit (SAU) #48/Plymouth School District for emergency preparedness capabilities and enhancements for a total amount of $50,000. Effective upon G&C approval through September 30, 2014. 100% Federal Funds.

#81 Authorize the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management to retroactively amend the grant agreement with the Town of Stratford (originally approved by G&C on 1-25-12, item #80), for a road drainage project, by extending the end date from December 31, 2013 to December 31, 2014. No Additional Funding. 100% Federal Funds.

#82 Authorize the Division of State Police to enter into a contract with the NL Partners, Portland, ME, to produce and broadcast radio announcements to promote safe driving around large trucks, in the amount of $45,000. Effective upon G&C approval through September 30, 2014. 100% Federal Funds.

#83 Authorize the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management to enter into a grant agreement with the Grafton County Sheriff’s Department to outfit the dispatch center with an IP-based radio console system for a total amount of $192,991. Effective upon G&C approval through September 30, 2014. 100% Federal Funds.

#84 Authorize the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management to enter into a grant agreement with the Town of Whitefield, to purchase 9 tablets and associated accessories for emergency management for personnel for a total amount of $5,182. Effective upon G&C approval through September 30, 2014. 100% Federal Funds.

#85 Authorize the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management to enter into a grant agreement with the County of Cheshire, to purchase and install two servers for the Sheriff’s Office Regional Dispatch Center and provide system management for Information Technology personnel for a total amount of $23,264. Effective upon G&C approval through September 30, 2014. 100% Federal Funds.

#86 Authorize the Division of Fire Standards and Training and Emergency Medical Services to pay retroactively, a one-time prior year owed termination pay to Clay O’Dell, former Bureau of Chief of EMS, in the amount of $1,441.44 from SFY 2014 funds. Effective upon G&C approval. 100% Revolving Funds.

#87 Authorize the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management to enter into a grant agreement with the Town of Pelham for communications upgrades to the Fire Station/Emergency Operations Center, to include relocating a microwave system, installation of simulcasting equipment, and purchasing and installing an analog transmitter for a total amount of $84,329. Effective upon G&C approval through September 30, 2014. 100% Federal Funds.

#88 Authorize the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management to enter into a grant agreement with the Town of Windham to purchase 9 tablets for emergency management personnel, for a total amount of $9,847. Effective upon G&C approval through September 30, 2014. 100% Federal Funds.

#89 Authorize the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management to enter into a grant agreement with the Town of Peterborough, to refurbish and install a town-owned generator and transfer switch at the Community’s Police Department and upgrade communications infrastructure for a total amount of $40,125. Effective upon G&C approval through September 30, 2014. 100% Federal Funds.

#89A Authorize the Division of Fire Standard and Training and Emergency Medical Services, to retroactively amend a lease agreement with Roland W. Couture, Gorham, NH, (originally approved by G&C on 3-26-08, item #145), for office space located at 609 Main Street, Gorham, NH, by increasing the amount by $24,300, from $139,050 to $163,350, and by extending the end date from April 30, 2014 to April 30, 2015. 100% Fire and EMS Funds.

#89B Authorize the Division of State Police to enter into a contract with East Coast Welding, Gilford, NH, for welding services for the repair of boats, trailers, and other marine-related products, in an amount not to exceed $34,000. Effective May 7, 2014 to June 30, 2017. 100% Federal Funds.

#90 Authorize the Bureau of Highway Design to accept and expend a grant fund from the NH Highway Safety Agency in the amount of $110,000 that will be used to supplant a portion of the funding for the Department’s contract with WEDU Inc., for highway safety messaging and public outreach education. Effective upon G&C approval through September 15, 2014. 100% Agency Income (Federal pass-thru). Fiscal Committee approved.

#91 Authorize to transfer $73,350 between Highway Fund accounts and classes. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2014. (2)Further authorize to establish various non-budgeted classes and to transfer $35,600 between Highway Fund accounts and classes. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2015. Fiscal Committee approved.

#92 Authorize the Division of Project Development to transfer $205,000 between Highway Fund accounts and classes. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2014. Fiscal Committee approved.

#93 Authorize the Bureau of Right of Way to pay property owners $117,124 as documented in the Contemplated Awards List for amounts greater than $5,000 for the period extending from April 2, 2014 through April 15, 2014.

#94 Authorize to accept and place on file the Bureau of Right of Way’s Contemplated Award List for amounts less than $5,000 for the sum total of $67,834.95 for the period extending from January 1, 2014 through March 31, 2014.

#95 Authorize the Office of Federal Compliance to accept and expend funds in the amount of $20,000 from the Federal Highway Administration to partner with the University of NH for two Summer Tech Camps. (2)Further authorize to enter into two sole source Cooperative Project agreements with the University of NH, Durham, NH, to develop a Cooperative National Summer Transportation Institute with UNH Tech Camps in fiscal year 2014, for a total cost of $20,000. Effective upon G&C approval through September 30, 2014. 100% Federal Funds.

#96 Authorize to accept and place on file the Bureau of Mechanical Services’ Monthly Equipment Acquisition Plan status report for the period ending March 31, 2014.

#97 Authorize to amend the Bureau of Mechanical Services’ Equipment Acquisition Plan for FY 2014 (originally approved by G&C on 10-16-13, item #100), by increasing the FY 2014 plan amount by $205,000 from $2,500,000 to $2,705,000 and adding the purchase of light fleet vehicles. Budget Overview Committee approved.

#98 Authorize the Bureau of Traffic to enter into a contract with R&R Communications Incorporated, Swanzey, NH, for the purpose of providing statewide service and repairs to the Department’s land mobile radio system and amber alert message board battery systems, on the basis of a low bid of $174,010. Effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2016. 77% Highway, 20% Turnpike, 3% General Funds.

#99 Authorize the Bureau of Construction to enter into a contract with SUR Construction Inc., Rochester, NH, for resurfacing the existing Lee traffic circle to a two-lane roundabout located at the intersection of US Route 4 and NH Route 125, on the basis of a low bid of $2,794,544. (2)Further authorize a contingency in the amount of $139,727.20 for payment of latent conditions which may appear during the construction of the project. Effective upon G&C approval through September 25, 2015. 100% Federal Funds.

#100 Authorize the Bureau of Construction to enter into a contract with SUR Construction Inc., Rochester, NH, for median protection along 6.3 miles of NH 101 beginning in Epping and Brentwood, on the basis of a low bid of $2,241,345. (2)Further authorize a contingency in the amount of $156,894.15 for payment of latent conditions which may appear during the construction of the project. Effective upon G&C approval through October 3, 2014. 100% Federal Funds.

#101 Authorize the Bureau of Construction to enter into a contract with Surface Preparation Technologies LLC, Mechanicsburg, PA, for milling rumble strips in the shoulders and centerline at various locations throughout the State, on the basis of a low bid of $261,700. Effective upon G&C approval through September 26, 2014. 100% Federal Funds.

#102 Authorize the Bureau of Aeronautics to provide funding to the City of Concord, NH, for SBG-04-10-2013, for Phases II & III, to install, construct, mark and light and sign parallel taxiway “B” and associated stub taxiways at the Concord Municipal Airport, in the amount of $1,701,555.55. Effective upon G&C approval through May 31, 2018. 94.74% Federal, 5.26% General Funds.