State House, Concord, New Hampshire
November 8, 2017, 10:00 a.m.
#1 MOP 150, I, B (1): Expenditure Approvals
#A. Authorize the Comptroller to issue a warrant from funds not otherwise appropriated in the amount of $23,688 and the Treasurer to issue checks in the amount of $23,687.20 to the rightful owners of abandoned or unclaimed funds.
#B. Authorize the Division of State Police to pay annual membership dues of $7,800 to the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance, Greenbelt, MD, for the period of January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018. 86.01% Federal, 13.99% Highway Funds.
#2 MOP 150, I, B (2): Approval of Acceptances
#A. Authorize to accept a nonmonetary donation from Sharon Dupuis, Epsom, NH, of two Makita saws, two skill saws, one Black and Decker saw, numerous Windsor chair parts and wood working patterns, as well as many wood working magazines and books, with a total value of $2,424.36, for use by population at the NH State Prison for Men, Concord, NH.
#B. Authorize to accept the list of monies totaling $17,878.11 received during the period of July 1, 2017 to September 30, 2017 as a result of fundraising drives from various organizations and from personal contributions.
#C. Authorize to accept the list of non-monetary donations totaling $600 received during the period of July 1, 2017 to September 30, 2017, as a result of contributions.
#3 MOP 150, I, B (3): Reports and Findings
#A. Authorize to accept and place on file the Biennial Report and Financial Statements for the Fiscal Years 2016 and 2017.
#4 MOP 150, I, B (4): Nominations, Confirmations and Appointments
#A. Authorize to appoint Danielle Sakowski as an Assistant Attorney General at a salary of $66,787.50. Effective upon G&C approval through November 10, 2017, whichever is the latter.
#B. Authorize to appoint Emily C. Goering as an Attorney at a salary level of $61,500. Effective upon G&C approval or November 13, 2017, whichever is the latter.
#C. Authorize to appoint Carl Lazarus as an Attorney at a salary level of $67,500. Effective upon G&C approval or November 9, 2017, whichever is the latter.
#D. Authorize to appoint Jesse J. O’Neill as an Assistant Attorney General at a salary of $68,328.75. Effective upon G&C approval or November 10, 2017, whichever is the latter, through January 22, 2021.
#E. Authorize the nomination of Major Scott M. Treadwell, Dover, NH, for promotion to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, NH Air National Guard. This officer meets all prerequisites for this grade, having been found to be physically, mentally, morally, and professionally qualified.
#F. Authorize the nomination of Captain Angela M. Thornton, Manchester, NH, for promotion to the rank of Major, NH Air National Guard. This officer meets all prerequisites for this grade, having been found to be physically, mentally, morally and professionally qualified.
#G. Authorize the nomination of Captain Gary M. Costanzo, Deerfield, NH, for promotion to the rank of Major, NH Air National Guard. This officer meets all prerequisites for this grade, having been found to be physically mentally, morally, and professionally qualified.
#H. Authorize the confirmation of Captain Bradley D. Taylor, Deerfield, NH, to the rank of Major, NH Army National Guard.
#5 MOP 150, I, B (5): Other Items
#A. Authorize to amend a sole source contract with the Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, Northeast Wildlife Disease Cooperative (originally approved by G&C on 4-6-16, item #44), to conduct research to develop blood serum based ELISA test for Paralaphostrongylus tenuis (brainworm) infection in moose and deer by extending the end date from December 31, 2017 to December 31, 2018. No Additional Funding. 75% Federal, 25% Other (Game Management) Funds.
Office of Emergency Services
#B. Authorize to amend an agreement with Upp Technology Inc., Oakbrook Terrace, IL, for the Integrated Resource Management System, by amending the Contractor’s name to Aptean Inc., Alpharetta, GA from Upp Technology Inc., (originally approved by G&C on 3-22/17, item #8). No Additional Funding.
#6 Authorize to hold a Public Hearing to approve an award of a State Guarantee under RSA 162-A:13-a with respect to a loan from TD Bank to Tri-County Community Action Program, Inc. located in Berlin, New Hampshire. Action will authorize a Resolution under RSA 162-A:18 to determine the financing will serve a public use, provide public benefit and is within the policy and authority of the Act.
Office of the Commissioner
#7 Authorize to reimburse Thomas Pristow, Lakewood, OH, for moving expenses associated with the relocation from Ohio to Henniker, NH, in an amount not to exceed $4,000. Effective upon G&C approval. 30% Federal, 70% General Funds.
Office of Medicaid Services
#8 Authorize to budget and expend prior year carry forward funds in the amount of $106,282 awarded by the US Department of Health and Human Services, Health Care Financing Administration for Civil Monetary Penalties for the purpose of disbursing funds in accordance with 42 CFR 488.442(f). Effective upon G&C approval through December 31, 2017. 100% Federal Funds. Fiscal Committee approved.
#9 Authorize to enter into a sole source amendment to an existing agreement with Magellan Medicaid Administration Inc., Glen Allen, VA (originally approved by G&C on 6-9-10, item #82), to manage pharmacy benefits for the Medicaid Program, by increasing the price by $4,731,804 from $21,055,303 to $25,787,107, and by extending the completion date from December 31, 2017 to December 31, 2019. 25% General, 752% Federal Funds.
Bureau of Facilities and Assets Management
#10 Authorize to enter into a sole source amendment to the existing lease with Riverside Properties Nashua Inc., Nashua, NH (originally approved by G&C on 10-21-09, item #56), for continued occupation by the Southern District Office, located in Nashua, by increasing the price in the amount of $153,750 to $4,889,212 from $4,735,462, and by extending the term from December 31, 2017 to March 31, 2018. 66.7% Federal, 33.3% General Funds.
Bureau of Developmental Services – Special Medical Services
#11 Authorize to enter into a retroactive agreement with NH Coalition for Citizens with Disabilities Inc., d/b/a Parent Information Center, Concord, NH, for the provision of technical assistance and supports to improve existing health care for Children with Special Health Care Needs, in an amount not to exceed $139,626.14. Effective retroactive to July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2019. 30% Federal, 70% General Funds.
Office of Human Services
#12 Authorize the Division for Children, Youth and Families to accept and expend the John H. Chafee Foster Care Independence Program under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act in the amount of $244,172. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2018. 100% Federal Funds. Fiscal Committee approved.
#13 Authorize to transfer general funds in the amount of $1,794,295 within the Office of Human Services. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2018. Fiscal Committee approved.
#13A Authorize the Division for Children, Youth and Families to accept and expend the Title IV-B, Subpart 2 of the Social Security Act under the Promoting Safe and Stable Families program in the amount of $181,643. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2018. Fiscal Committee approved.
Division of Children, Youth and Families
#14 Authorize to enter into an agreement with Sustainable Results LLC, Nashua, NH, to provide Disproportionate Minority Contact Coordinator services to ensure equal and fair treatment of all youth in the juvenile justice system regardless of race and ethnicity, in an amount not to exceed $80,000. Effective upon G&C approval through September 30, 2019. 100% Federal Funds.
#15 Authorize to accept and expend private funds in the amount of $60,000 for Spark NH, Early Childhood Advisory Council from Endowment for Health as follows: 1)$50,000 to fund Core Support to Spark NH; and 2) $10,000 to fund a Framework for Action Conference. Acceptance of the Core Support to Spark NH award is be effective January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018. Acceptance of the Framework for Action Conference award is to be effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2018. 100% Other (Private Grant) Funds.
#16 Authorize to enter into a sole source amendment with the University of Kansas Center for Research Inc., Lawrence, KS (originally approved by G&C on 2-25-15, item #9), to provide minor customizations of the Results Oriented Management public face website, by increasing the price by $1,700 from $61,200 to an amount not to exceed $62,900. Effective upon G&C approval through the original end date of June 30, 2019. 32% Federal, 68% General Funds.
Division of Public Health Services
#17 Authorize the Bureau of Health Statistics and Informatics to retroactively accept and expend federal funds in the amount of $162,881 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to further fund the Zika Surveillance, Intervention and Referral grant. Effective July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2019. (2)Further authorize the Maternal and Child Health Section to retroactively continue one full-time temporary position, utilizing funds from the Centers for Disease Control and prevention Zika Surveillance, Intervention and Referral Program, by extending the end date from June 30, 2017 through June 30, 2019. 100% Federal Funds. Fiscal Committee approved.
#17A Authorize to enter into a retroactive agreement with JSI Research & Training Institute Inc., Boston, MA, to provide the implementation, hosting and maintenance of a Family Planning Data Base, in an amount not to exceed $22,500. Effective retroactive to September 1, 2017 through February 28, 2019. 100% Federal Funds.
#18 Authorize the Bureau of Infectious Disease Control, Infectious Disease Surveillance Section to accept and expend federal funds in the amount of $215,302 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to fund the National Syndromic Surveillance Program. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2018. 100% Federal Funds. Fiscal Committee approved.
#19 Authorize Infectious Disease Surveillance Section to accept and expend federal funds in the amount of $109,686 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to fund the National HIV Surveillance System program. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2018. 100% Federal Funds. Fiscal Committee approved.
#20 Authorize Infectious Disease Section to accept and expend other funds in the amount of $4,000 from the State of NH Department of Environmental Services to support the development and distribution of Integrative Pest Management for Tick-borne Disease Prevention Educational Kits. Effective upon G&C approval through September 30, 2018. 100% Other Funds.
#21 Authorize to amend a sole source agreement with Scientific Technologies Corporation, Scottsdale, AZ, for technical development, support and services to the NH Electronic Disease Surveillance System, Patient Reporting Investigating Surveillance Manager module, and Tuberculosis Program Area Module, by increasing the price by $213,100 from $1,863,522 to an amount not to exceed $2,076,622, and by increasing the scope by adding significant enhancements for reporting and integration for case management. Effective upon G&C approval through the original completion date of June 30, 2020. 100% Federal Funds.
#21A Authorize to enter into 10 agreements, of which 9 are retroactive, with the vendors as detailed in letter dated October 24, 2017, for the provision of Family Planning Services in an amount not to exceed $2,915,402. Effective retroactive to July 1, 2017 (with the exception of the agreement with new contractor, Mascoma Community Health Care Inc), upon G&C approval through June 30, 2019. 57.02% Federal, 42.98% General (with the exception of Planned Parenthood of Northern New England – 100% General Funds).
Division for Behavioral Health
#21B Authorize to enter into an agreement with Harbor Homes Inc., for the provision of transitional housing beds and services for adults who have severe mental illness or severe and persistent illness and who no longer meet the level of care provided by NH Hospital or a Designated Receiving Facility, in an amount not to exceed $2,100,000. (2)Further authorize to provide Harbor Homes Inc., with an advance payment in an amount not to exceed $80,300. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2019. 100% General Funds.
Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Services
#21C Authorize to amend an existing sole source contract with National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence/Greater Manchester – Serenity Place (originally approved by G&C on 8-23-17, item #22), to increase Substance Use Disorder crisis respite shelter services in Manchester, NH, by increasing the price by $150,000 from $400,000 to an amount not to exceed $550,000. Effective upon G&C approval through the original completion date of June 30, 2018. 100% Other Funds.
#22 Authorize the Division of Operations to accept and expend revenue in the amount of $789,750 from US Environmental Protection Agency for the NH Clean Diesel Emissions Reduction Program. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2019. 100% Federal Funds. Fiscal Committee approved.
#23 Authorize the Bureau of Rail and Transit to accept and expend revenue in the amount of $325,000 from the Special Railroad Fund for the maintenance and repair of State-owned railroad lines. (2)Further authorize to enter into agreements with Railroad Operators, for an amount not to exceed $310,000 from the Special Railroad Fund for the maintenance and repair of State-owned railroad lines. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2018. 100% Other Funds (Special Railroad Funds). Fiscal Committee approved.
#24 Authorize the Bureau of Right of Way to pay property owners $26,370 as documented in the Contemplated & Damage Awards List for amounts greater than $5,000 for the period of September 9, 2017 through October 16, 2017. Effective upon G&C approval.
#25 Authorize the Bureau of Right of Way to release and amend deed restrictions that were placed on a parcel of land formerly owned by the Department of Transportation and now owned by the Town of Kingston located in the Town of Kingston, directly to the Town of Kingston for $46,600 which includes a $1,100 Administrative Fee. Originally purchased with 80% Federal, 20% Highway Funds.
#26 Authorize to accept and place on file the Bureau of Finance & Contracts’ report of all Small Claims in the previous first quarter of FY 2018 totaling $2,095.04 for individual amounts less than $1,000. 100% Highway Funds.
#27 Authorize the Bureau of Bridge Design to amend the Interstate Bridge Agreement with the state of Maine to allow the Department to reimburse Maine for half of the increased construction costs totaling $3,700,000 from $173,000,000 to $176,700,000 associated with the replacement of the Sarah Mildred Long Bridge (NH Br. No. 251/110) carrying US 1 Bypass over the Piscataqua River between Portsmouth, NH, and Kittery, ME. Effective upon G&C approval, and continuing through construction, inspection, and final acceptance of the completed project. 100% Federal Funds (50% NH, 50% ME).
#28 Authorize the Bureau of Turnpikes to continue its membership and participation with the I-95 Corridor Coalition, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, by retroactively paying annual membership dues in the amount of $35,000 for Fiscal Year 2018. Effective upon G&C approval. 100% Turnpike Funds.
#29 Authorize the Bureau of Human Resources to enter into a sole source agreement with Federal Highway Administration Finance Division, National Highway Institute, Arlington, VA, for an amount not to exceed $63,250 for training. Effective upon G&C approval through September 30, 2018. 100% Federal Funds.
#30 Authorize the Bureau of Environment to enter into an agreement with Vanasse Hangen Brustlin Inc., Bedford, NH, for water quality related engineering services for various projected located throughout the state, for an amount not to exceed $400,000. Effective upon G&C approval through December 31, 2020.
#31 Authorize to accept and place on file the Bureau of Construction’s quarterly basis summary of active projects that may require contingency use, through September 29, 2017.
#32 Authorize the Bureau of Construction to enter into a contract with R.M. Piper Inc., Plymouth, NH, for roadway and intersection improvements along the intersection of US 3 and NH 25 in Meredith, on the basis of a single bid of $2,581,586.50. (2)Further authorize a contingency in the amount of $129,079.33 for payment of latent conditions which may appear during the construction of the project. Effective upon G&C approval through November 2, 2018. 100% Federal Funds.
#32A Authorize, for the benefit of state agencies, to enter into a sole source contract amendment with System Automation Corporation of Columbia, MD (originally approved by G&C on 5-8-14, item #8), to provide licensing system enhancements, by increasing the amount by $1,128,226 from $2,175,061 to $3,303,287, and by extending the end date from July 31, 2018 to June 30, 2025.
#33 Authorize to conduct a one-day conference on Saturday April 28, 2018 at the Grappone Conference Center, Concord, NH, to provide training to municipal land use board members, for a total cost not to exceed $23,580. Effective November 8, 2017 through April 28, 2018. 100% Other Funds (Registration Fees, $19,250/Revolving Fund Municipal and Regional Training $4,330). (2)Further authorize to accept registration fees in an amount not to exceed $19,250. 100% Other Funds (Registration Fees).
#34 Authorize to accept and place on file the Annual Telecommunications Assistance Report for the period ending June 30, 2017.
#35 Authorize to accept a building addition to the Administration Building at the NH State Veterans Cemetery from the NH Veterans Cemetery Association valued at $469,008.04.
#36 Authorize to retroactively amend item #35 originally approved by G&C on March 8, 2017, by extending the end date of the Federal Grant Award from the US Department of Health and Human Services from June 30, 2017 to October 30, 2018 to align with the Federal Grant end date, with no increase in funding, for the purpose of enhancing the States’ ability to effectively enforce the consumer protections under Part A of title XXVII of the PHS Act. (2)Further authorize to retroactively amend item #35 originally approved by G&C on March 8, 2017, by extending the end date from June 30, 2017 to October 30, 2018 for the purpose of retaining a class 046 consultant position. 100% Federal Funds. Fiscal Committee approved.
#37 Authorize to accept and expend federal grant funds in the amount of $536,561 for FY 2018 and FY 2019 from the US Department of Health and Human Services for the purpose of enhancing the States’ ability to effectively enforce the consumer protections under Part A of title XXVII of the PHS Act. (2)Further authorize to establish a Class 046 (Consultants) to enter into contracts for consulting services with various vendors. Effective upon G&C approval through October 30, 2018. 100% Federal Funds. Fiscal Committee approved.
#38 Authorize to retroactively amend a contract with Regulatory Insurance Advisors LLC, Lincoln, NE (originally approved by G&C on 7-19-17, item #67), for consulting services, by extending the end date from October 31, 2017 to October 31, 2018. 100% Federal Funds.
#39 Authorize to amend a contract with Freedman Healthcare LLC, Newton, MA (originally approved by G&C on 8-23-17, item #64), for consulting services to assist NHID to provide data analysis that will support Department efforts to conduct consumer outreach and evaluate carrier compliance with federal and state laws, by extending the end date from December 31, 2017 to March 31, 2018. 100% Federal Funds.
#40 Authorize to retroactively amend a contract with Gorman Actuarial Inc., Marlborough, MA (originally approved by G&C on 3-8-17, item #37), for the provision of consulting services to assist NHID in its development of a data collection and reporting process for health care provider complaints, by increasing the amount by $23,840 from $56,100 to $79,940, and by extending the end date from September 30, 2017 to September 30, 2018. 100% Federal Funds.
#41 Authorize to enter into a contract with Examination Resources LLC, Atlanta, GA, for consulting services, in the amount of $67,400. Effective upon G&C approval through October 30, 2018. 100% Federal Funds.
#42 Authorize to enter into an agreement with ECI Systems LLC, Salem, NH, for statewide alarm and access systems testing, maintenance, repairs and monitoring services, in the amount not to exceed $126,087. Effective December 1, 2017 through November 30, 2020. 100% Federal Funds.
#43 Authorize to exercise a retroactive inter-agency memorandum of understanding with the NH Department of Safety which will establish reimbursement cost rates for the NH Department of Corrections, Correctional Industries Plate Shop’s manufacture of motor vehicle number plates. Effective July 1, 20917 through June 30, 2019. 100% Agency Income.
#44 Authorize to amend item #38 originally approved by G&C on February 1, 2017, by reallocating grant funds in the amount of $3,959 from the NH Department of Education Title I, Part – D, Federal Assistance to Meet the Special Educational Needs of Children in State Institutions for Neglected or Delinquent Children grant. (2)Further authorize to accept and expend funds from the NH Department of Education for the Title I, Part – D grant, in the amount of $21,947, to enhance educational services for the adult learners of the special school district of the NH Department of Corrections educational system. Effective upon G&C approval through August 31, 2018. 100% Agency Income (Federal Funds at origin).
#45 Authorize to enter into a contract with m5 Marketing Communications Inc., Manchester, NH, to provide Media and Advertising Services for Recruitment services, in the amount of $324,080. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2019 with the option to renew for an additional period of up to two years. 100% General Funds.
#46 Authorize to accept and expend $60,000 in grant funds from the US Department of Transportation – Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration for non-gas related work performed in the enforcement of the Underground Utility Damage Prevention System. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2018. 100% Federal Funds.
#47 Authorize the Division of Economic Development to enter into a retroactive sole source Cooperative Project Agreement with the University of NH, Durham, NH, for continued funding of the Innovation Research Center, in the amount of $550,000. Effective July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2019. 100% General Funds.
#48 Authorize the Division of Economic Development to enter into a sole source contract with the Granite State District Export Council, Dover, NH, to provide financial administration, oversight and reporting services in compliance with the State Trade Expansion Program Grant VI, awarded by the US Small Business Administration, in the amount of $252,733. (2)Further authorize to make an initial disbursement in the amount of $30,000 to DEC for the partial payment of the Farnborough Air Show activity and the matching grant program activities in accordance with the terms of the contract. Effective upon G&C approval through September 29, 2018. 100% Federal Funds.
#49 Authorize the Division of Economic Development, Office of International Commerce to accept and expend grant funds from the US Small Business Administration-State Trade Expansion Program grant program, in the amount of $14,866. Effective upon G&C approval through September 29, 2018. 100% Federal Funds.
#50 Authorize the Division of Forests and Lands to pay overtime in the amount of $50,000 for permanent personnel from class 10 appropriations for positions that are vacant due to illness, extended leaves of absence, or pending recruitment in the Forest Protection Bureau. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2018. 92% General, 8% Other Funds.
#51 Authorize the Division of Parks and Recreation to enter into a memorandum of agreement with Adaptive Sports Partners of the North Country of Franconia, NH, to provide year-round adaptive sport and recreation opportunities at Franconia Notch State Park and Cannon Mountain Ski Area. Effective December 1, 2017 through November 30, 2022.
#52 Authorize the Division of Parks and Recreation, Cannon Mountain Ski Area, to select as sole source, a new Prinoth Bison S Tier Snow Groomer to be used for mountain ski operations financed through an equipment lease agreement with Signature Public Funding Corp. (2)Further authorize to exercise a second yearly equipment lease financing option by entering into a Tax Exempt Equipment Lease Financing Agreement with Signature Public Funding Corp., Greenwich, CT (originally approved by G&C on 12-7-16, item #43), in the total amount of $364,580.45 for a 4-year annual lease schedule for the new Prinoth Bison S Tier Snow Groomer. Effective upon G&C approval through November 15, 2021, with the option to seek yearly equipment lease financing with SPFC for subsequent equipment lease schedules over the next 3 years. Effective upon G&C approval. 100% Agency Income.
#53 Authorize to accept and expend $2,574,600 in federal funds from the US Fish and Wildlife Service for the purpose of acquiring 672+/- acres in Rindge and Fitzwilliam, NH and a conservation easement on 1,527.72 acres in Barrington and Nottingham, NH. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2018. 100% Federal Funds. Fiscal Committee approved.
#54 Authorize to acquire restricted fee title to 672+/- acres in Rindge and Fitzwilliam, NH, from the Law Office of Mark R. Dunn, acting as agent for Pearly Lake Forest LLC at the fair market value of $765,000. (2)Further authorize to work with the Society for the Protection of NH Forests to amend the conservation easement on the Pearly Lake Forest property to remove language requiring the parties to the conservation easement to enter into binding arbitration. Effective upon G&C approval through December 31, 2017. 100% Federal Funds.
#55 Authorize to enter into a contract with Holden Engineering and Surveying Inc., Bedford, NH, to conduct a complete boundary survey and marking on the Pearly Lake Forest property in Rindge and Fitzwilliam, NH, and to conduct a complete boundary survey and marking Parcel #2 of the Sargent Wildlife Management Area in Newton, NH, for $24,100. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2018. 88% Federal, 12% Other (Wildlife Habitat) Funds.
#56 Authorize to acquire a conservation easement on 1,525.62 acres in Barrington and Nottingham, NH from Bruton & Berube PLLC, Attorneys at Law as agent for the Southeast Land Trust of NH for $1,750,000. Effective upon G&C approval through December 31, 2017. 100% Federal Funds.
#57 Authorize to transfer funds in and among classes within an accounting unit in the amount of $166,500 for better use of appropriated federal funds. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2018. 100% Federal Funds. Fiscal Committee approved.
#58 Authorize to award state aid grant funds for wastewater facility projects, for the four entities as detailed in letter dated October 19, 2017, in the aggregate amount of $7,955,512. Effective upon G&C approval. 100% General Funds.
#59 Authorize to award an Aquatic Resource Mitigation Fund grant to The Monadnock Conservancy, Keene, NH, in the amount of $105,000 for the purpose of acquiring land owned by Craig W. Chamberlain. Effective upon G&C approval through June 29, 2018. 100% Aquatic Resource Mitigation Funds.
#60 Authorize to award an Aquatic Resource Mitigation Fund grant to the Town of Salem, Salem, NH, in the amount of $150,000 for the purpose of acquiring land formerly owned by Stonebrook Land Developers LLC. Effective upon G&C approval through August 31, 2018. 100% Aquatic Resource Mitigation Funds.
#61 Authorize to retroactively amend a sole source contract with HYSR, Dartmouth, MA, to calculate long-periods of daily stream flow records at ungauged locations in NH, by extending the end date to March 31, 2018 from September 30, 2017. No Cost Time Extension. 100% General Funds.
#62 Authorize to enter into an agreement with Trout,Unlimited, Arlington, VA, to conduct stream crossing assessments in NH for a not to exceed contract value of $26,945. Effective upon G&C approval through March 31, 2018. 100% Federal Funds.
#63 Authorize to execute a sole source amendment to contract with Robert Gibbons, Portsmouth, NH (originally approved by G&C on 5-4-16, item #57), to operate the state-owned mobile pumpout boat in NH’s coastal waters, by increasing the amount by $85,800 to $214,500 from $128,700, and by extending the completion date to March 31, 2020 from March 31, 2018. 100% Federal Funds.
#64 Authorize to retroactively amend an agreement with the Town of Rollinsford, NH (originally approved by G&C on 4-14-17, item #50), for the purpose of purchasing a new fire truck, by extending the end date to March 31, 2018 from September 30, 2017. No Additional Funding. 100% Federal Funds.
#65 Authorize to enter into an agreement with the Lake Sunapee Protective Association, Sunapee, NH, to complete the Lake Sunapee Watershed Management Plan Development Phase I: Update of Existing Plan, in the amount of $50,000. Effective upon G&C approval through March 30, 2020. 100% Federal Funds.
#66 Authorize to enter into an agreement with the Lake Winnipesaukee Association, Meredith, NH, to complete the Moultonborough Bay and Winter Harbor Watershed Management Plan Development, in the amount of $65,000. Effective upon G&C approval through December 31, 2019. 100% Federal Funds.
#67 Authorize to exercise a contract extension with Lakes Region General Healthcare Foot Clinic, Laconia, NH (originally approved by G&C on 1-14-15, item #32), to provide foot clinic services to the Homes residents, by increasing the amount by $64,500 from $84,000 to $148,500, and by extending the completion date from November 30, 2017 to November 30, 2019. 28% Federal, 47% General, 25% Other Funds.
#68 Authorize the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation to enter into a contract with the Brain Injury Association of NH, Concord, NH, to provide independent living services in an amount not to exceed $79,923. Effective upon G&C approval through September 30, 2018. 58% Federal, 42% State Match Funds.
#69 Authorize the Division of Motor Vehicles to enter into a lease agreement with Odhner Holographics Inc., Amherst, NH, for the purpose of temporarily housing the Milford Division of Motor Vehicles, in an amount not to exceed $114,000 including a payment of $57,600 for necessary interior fit-up prior to occupancy. Effective upon G&C approval through December 31, 2019. 100% Agency Income (Cost of Collections).
#70 Authorize the Division of Emergency Services and Communications to enter into a contract with Green Mountain Communications Inc., for services related to the removal of and installation of microwave radio link equipment on a self-supporting communications tower located at the summit of Kearsarge Mountain in Warner, NH, in the amount of $49,224. Effective upon G&C approval through December 30, 2017. 100% Agency Income.
#71 Authorize the Division of Emergency Services and Communications to enter into a contract with Northern Pride Communications Inc., for services related to the removal of and installation of a high performance microwave dish and associated protective ice guard on a State of NH self-supporting communications tower located at the summit of Belknap Mountain in Gilford, NH, in the amount of $25,000. Effective upon G&C approval through December 30, 2017. 100% Agency Income.
#72 Authorize to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $283,958 from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, Office of Justice Programs entitled National Criminal History Improvement Program in order to purchase updated fingerprinting machines for use by law enforcement agencies around the state. Effective upon G&C approval through September 30, 2018. 100% Federal Funds. Fiscal Committee approved.
#73 Authorize to award subgrants to the agencies as detailed in letter dated October 23, 2017 in the total amount of $720,000 from the Regional Drug Task Force appropriation to support drug task force program operations. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2019. 100% General Funds.
#74 Authorize the Department of Safety to transfer to the Department of Administrative Services sole management responsibility for a State land parcel and the improvements situated thereon , Milford, NH, consisting of approximately 2,051 acres of land, a building formerly housing a State Police Barracks and Division of Motor Vehicles Substation, and other improvements, for the purpose of redeveloping the Property and constructing the new Milford Circuit Courthouse using the corresponding capital appropriation made by 2017 NH Laws 228:1,II.D.3.
#75 Authorize a Working Capital Warrant in the amount of $700,000,000 to cover the payment of expenditures for the month of December 2017.
#76 Authorize the Division of Public Works Design and Construction to enter into an agreement with McFarland-Johnson Inc, Concord, NH, for mechanical engineering services required for planning, design and construction of various Public Works’ Projects as necessary and required by the Department, in an amount not to exceed $300,000. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2020.
#77 Authorize the Division of Public Works Design and Construction to enter into an agreement with Dubois & King Inc., South Burlington, VT, for mechanical engineering services required for planning, design and construction of various Public Works’ Projects as necessary and required by the Department, in an amount not to exceed $300,000. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2020.
#78 Authorize the Division of Public Works Design and Construction to enter into an agreement with Dubois & King Inc., Bedford, NH, for civil/structural services required for planning, design and construction of various Public Works’ Projects as necessary and required by the Department, in an amount not to exceed $300,000. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2020.
#79 Authorize the Division of Public Works Design and Construction to enter into an agreement with Oak Point Associates, Portsmouth, NH, for architectural services required for planning, design and construction of various Public Works’ Projects as necessary and required by the Department, in an amount not to exceed $500,000. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2020.
#80 Authorize the Division of Public Works Design and Construction to enter into an agreement with Yeaton Associates Inc., Littleton, NH, for mechanical engineering services required for planning, design and construction of various Public Works’ Projects as necessary and required by the Department, in an amount not to exceed $300,000. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2020.
#81 Authorize the Division of Public Works Design and Construction to enter into a contract with Harvey Construction Corp., Bedford, NH, for the Hampton Circuit Courthouse, Hampton, NH, for a total price not to exceed $4,129,378. Effective upon G&C approval through February 28, 2019. 100% General Capital Funds. (2)Further authorize a contingency in the amount of $50,000 for unanticipated structural expenses for the Hampton Circuit Courthouse, bringing the total to $4,179,378. 100% Operating – General Funds. (3)Further authorize the amount of $68,000 for payment to the Department of Administrative Services, Division of Public Works Design and Construction, for oversight and engineering services provided, bringing the total to $4,247,378. 100% Capital – General Funds.
#82 Authorize the Division of Public Works Design and Construction to enter into a contract with North Branch Construction Inc., Concord, NH, for replacing the existing 12,000 square foot building with a new 23,000 square foot building Liquor Store in Portsmouth, NH, for a total price not to exceed $6,357,000. Effective upon G&C approval through December 14, 2018. (2)Further authorize a contingency in the amount of $222,500 for latent conditions or unanticipated structural expenses, bringing the total to $6,579,500. (3)Further authorize the amount of $144,000 for payment to the Department of Administrative Services, Division of Public Works Design and Construction, for engineering services provided, bringing the total to $6,723,500. 100% Other Funds (Liquor Commission Funds).
#83 Authorize the Division of Public Works Design and Construction to enter into a contract with T. Buck Construction Inc., Turner, ME, for a Center for Excellence for Adolescent Behavioral Health at the Sununu Youth Center, NH, for a total price not to exceed $1,349,200. Effective upon G&C approval through July 30, 2018. 50% Federal, 50% Other Funds. (2)Further authorize a contingency in the amount of $38,000 for unanticipated architectural expenses, bringing the total to $1,387,200. (3)Further authorize the amount of $30,000 for payment to the Department of Administrative Services, Division of Public Works Design and Construction, for engineering services provided, bringing the total to $1,417,200. 50% Federal, 50% Other Funds.
#84 Authorize the Risk Management Unit to enter into an agreement with Anthem Health Plans of NH Inc., d/b/a Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Manchester, NH, for medical benefits coverage for state employees, retirees, spouses and eligible dependents, in the estimated amount of $20,900,000 during the initial term of the agreement. Effective January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2020, with an option to extend for up to two years. Approximately 36% General, 15% Federal, 4% Enterprise, 11% Highway, 2% Turnpike, 32% Other Funds.
#85 Authorize the Division of Personnel’s request for wavier of classification decisions. Effective upon G&C approval.
#86 Authorize the list of Governor and Council meeting dates for the period of January through June 2018.
THE ADJUTANT GENERAL’S DEPARTMENT (Tabled at G&C Meeting on 10/25/17)
#24 TABLED - The Governor and Council on motion of Councilor Wheeler, seconded by Councilor Kenney, and with Councilors Volinsky and Pappas voting no, tabled the request that the Adjutant General be designated to apply for, receive and administer federal military aid funds in compliance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations.
DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (Tabled at G&C Meeting on 8/23/17 & 10/25/17)
Governor and Council meeting October 25, 2017:
The Governor and Council on motion of Councilor Pappas, seconded by Councilor Volinsky, and with Councilors Kenney and Wheeler voting no, voted to remove item #105 from the table.
The Governor and Council on motion of Councilor Pappas, seconded by Councilor Volinsky voted to accept item #105.
After discussion, the Governor and Council on motion of Councilor Kenney, seconded by Councilor Wheeler, and with Councilors Volinsky and Pappas voting no, voted to place item #105 back on the table.
#105 TABLED – The Governor and Council on motion of Councilor Wheeler, seconded by Councilor Kenney, and with Councilor Pappas voting no, voted to table the request to accept and place on file the report containing a list of vendors that agencies have contracted with for the period of April 1, 2017 through June 30, 2017.
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (Tabled at G&C Meeting on 8/23/17)
#25 The Governor and Council on motion of Councilor Wheeler, seconded by Councilor Papas voted to approve requested action #1, the Bureau of Finance & Contracts report that there were no Small Claims that were paid in the previous fourth quarter of FY 2017 for individual amounts less than $600. (2)TABLED – The Governor and Council on motion of Councilor Wheeler, seconded by Councilor Kenney voted to table requested action #2, the request to revise the process that was approved by G&C on 7-19-95, item #171, to pay claims and reporting of paid claims from quarterly to annually. (3)The Governor and Council on motion of Councilor Pappas, seconded by Councilor Volinsky, and with Councilor Wheeler voting no, approved requested action #3, to retroactively pay small claims for the next fiscal year, July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. 100% Highway Funds.