State House, Concord, New Hampshire
November 18, 2016, 1:00 p.m.
#1 MOP 150, I, B (1): Expenditure Approvals
#A. Authorize Denise L. St. Pierre to travel to Austin, TX, for out of state travel during the period of December 5-9, 2016, to participate in the National Examination Committee, and to receive a $1,584 cash advance to cover anticipated expenses.
Bureau of Contracts and Procurement
#B. Authorize to enter Laurie Heath into an educational tuition agreement with College for America at Southern NH University, Manchester, NH, to participate in 24 Completed Projects in the CFA Applied Bachelors Program, during the period of January 1, 2017 through June 30, 2017, and to pay said costs in the amount of $1,500. 66% General, 34% Federal Funds.
Bureau of Contracts and Procurement
#C. Authorize to enter Betty L. Marceau into an educational tuition agreement with College for America at Southern NH University, Manchester, NH, to participate in 24 Completed Projects in the CFA Applied Associates Business Program, during the period of January 1, 2017 through May 31, 2017, and to pay said costs in the amount of $1,500. 66% General, 34% Federal Funds.
#D. Authorize to enter Sandy Goulet into an Educational Tuition Agreement with Southern NH University, Manchester, NH, to participate online in the courses Business Law II and Federal Taxation I, during the period of January 2, 2017 through February 28, 2017, and to pay said costs not to exceed $1,728. Lottery Funds.
#E. Authorize the Comptroller to issue a warrant from funds not otherwise appropriated in the amount of $47,827 and the State Treasurer to issue checks in the amount of $47,826.93 to the rightful owners of abandoned or unclaimed funds.
Bureau of Finance
#F. Authorize to make a payment for annual membership dues to the New England States Consortium Systems Organization, Shrewsbury, MA, in the amount of $28,500 for the period of January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017.
#G. Authorize to pay the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Washington, DC, $24,125 annual membership dues. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2017. 100% Fish and Game Funds.
#H. Authorize the Division of State Police to pay annual membership dues of $5,300 to the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance, Greenbelt, MD, for the period of January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017. 80% Federal, 20% Highway Funds.
#I. Authorize the Division of Forests and Lands to expend $9,240 for membership dues in the National Association of State Foresters. Effective upon G&C approval through September 30, 2017. 100% General Funds.
#2 MOP 150, I, B (2): Approval of Acceptances
#A. Authorize to accept a donation of 40 work station cubicles from Akami Technologies Inc., Cambridge, MA, with an estimated value of $20,000..
#B. Authorize the Bureau of Trails to accept a monetary donation of $2,500 from the Androscoggin Valley Chamber of Commerce of Berlin, NH, for the purpose of trail improvements at Jericho Mountain State Park.
#C. Authorize to accept monies totaling $10,722.80 received during the period of July 1, 2016 to September 30, 2016, as a result of fundraising from various organizations and from personal contributions.
#D. Authorize to accept non-monetary donations totaling $14,000 received during the period of July 1, 2016 to September 30, 2016 as a result of contributions.
#3 MOP 150, I, B (4): Nominations, Confirmations and Appointments
#A. Authorize confirmation of Major Stephanie L. Kerrigan, Durham, NH, for promotion to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, NH Air National Guard.
#B. Authorize the nomination of Captain Moira A. Cuthbert, Laconia, NH, for promotion to the rank of Major, NH Air National Guard. This officer meets all prerequisites for this grade, having been found to be physically, mentally, morally, and professionally qualified.
#C. Authorize to reappoint Rebecca W. Ross as an Assistant Attorney General at a salary level of $74,750. Effective November 21, 2016 through November 21, 2021. Effective upon G&C approval.
#D. Authorize to appoint Heather Neville as an Attorney at a salary level of $69,000. Effective upon G&C approval, or December 12, 2016, whichever is the latter.
#E. Authorize the Bureau of Right of Ways petition for a hearing on the proposed improvements to NH 16 / NH 25 in the Town of Ossipee, with a suggested commission to hold a hearing, and, if the necessity is found, to lay out the new highway at this location, with a suggested budget of $2,000.
#4 MOP 150, I, B (5): Other Items
Division of Public Health Services
#A. Authorize to amend an existing agreement with Kathryn Bonafede, Doctor of Allopathic Medicine, Raymond, NH (originally approved by G&C on 12-4-13, item #42), to continue to provide reimbursement to Dr. Bonafede for payment of educational loans through the State Loan Repayment Program, by extending the completion date from December 31, 2016 to January 31, 2017. 100% General Funds.
Bureau of Homeless and Housing Services
#B. Authorize to amend an existing sole source agreement with Center for Life Management, Derry, NH (originally approved by G&C on 6-29-16, item #17), to provide permanent housing services through the Federal Continuum of Care program, by making adjustments to budget line items within fiscal year 2017, with no change to the price limitation of $254,067, and no change to the end date of June 30, 2017. 100% Federal Funds.
#C. Authorize to amend an agreement with the Lake Winnipesaukee Association, Meredith, NH (originally approved by G&C on 5-8-14, item #72), for the Moultonborough Bay Inlet Watershed Restoration Plan Development and Implementation Phase 1 project, by extending the completion date to December 31, 2017 from December 31, 2016. No Additional Funding. 100% Federal Funds.
#5 Authorize to hold a Public Hearing with respect to the financing of a loan to NSA Industries, LLC located in St. Johnsbury, Vermont. Action will authorize a Resolution under RSA 162-A:18 to determine the financing will serve a public use, provide public benefit and is within the policy and authority of the Act.
#6 Authorize to hold a Public Hearing with respect to the financing of an industrial facility by the Business Finance Authority for Liquid Blue, Inc. in Derry, New Hampshire. Action will authorize a Resolution under RSA 162-I:9 to determine the financing will serve a public use, provide public benefit and is within the policy and authority of the Act.
Bureau of Human Resource Management
#7 Authorize to finalize the determination made by the Commissioner that on September 12, 2016, John Krusen, a Youth Counselor II at the Sununu Youth Services Center sustained an injury in the line of duty due to a hostile or overt act, or an act caused by another during the performance of duties which are considered dangerous in nature. Effective upon G&C approval.
#7A Authorize to make a retroactive one-time payment from SFY 2017 funds to Karin Seton, Mental Health Worker I, NH Hospital, in the amount of $994.79 to compensate for wages that were not paid for SFY 2016. 100% General Funds.
#7B Authorize to make a retroactive one-time payment from SFY 2017 funds to Paul Duclos, Youth Counselor III, at the Sununu Youth Services Center in the amount of $1,265.40 to compensate for wages that were not paid for SFY 2016. 100% General Funds.
Office of Human Services
#7C Authorize to enter into an agreement with The City of Nashua, NH, for the provision of transportation services in an amount not to exceed $264,168.96. Effective upon G&C approval through September 30, 2018. 57% Federal, 43% General Funds.
Division of Client Services
#8 Authorize to enter into an agreement with Donna J. Fusco-Venglass, RN, Derry, NH, for the provision of Long Term Supports and Services clinical determination services in an amount not to exceed $54,600. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2018. 75% Federal, 25% General Funds.
Bureau of Elderly and Adult Services
#9 Authorize to enter into an agreement with GTL Inc., d/b/a Link to Life, Novi, MI, to provide personal emergency response systems to eligible individuals, in an amount not to exceed $50,000. Effective upon G&C approval through September 30, 2018. 36% Federal, 64% General Funds.
#10 Authorize to enter into an agreement with VNA at HCS, Keene, NH, for the provision of Adult Day Services to adults ages 60 or older, and adults ages 18 and older with chronic illnesses and/or disabilities in an amount not to exceed $268,250. Effective upon G&C approval through September 30, 2018. 40% Federal , 60% General Funds.
#11 Authorize to enter into a memorandum of understanding with the Office of Energy and Planning, Concord, NH, to provide Senior Energy Assistance Services in an amount not to exceed $82,195.52. Effective upon G&C approval through September 30, 2018. 30% Federal, 70% General Funds.
Office of Minority Health and Refugee Affairs
#12 Authorize to enter into agreements with the vendors as detailed in letter dated October 12, 2016, to provide social services that lead directly to self-sufficiency for refugees in an amount not to exceed $480,000. Effective upon G&C approval through September 30, 2018. 100% Federal Funds.
Division for Children, Youth and Families
#13 Authorize to enter into an agreement with Ronald Sayres, MLADC, Laconia, NH, for the provision of master licensed alcohol and drug counseling services in the Concord District Office, in an amount not to exceed $87,750 per year. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2017. 75% Federal, 25% General Funds.
#14 Authorize to accept and expend private and public funds for Spark NH, Early Childhood Advisory Council. This request is retroactive as a portion of the funds (19%, or $12,075 of $62,075) will be used to pay for expenses incurred prior to G&C approval due to the lateness of the award dates relative to the timing of the activities. Effective upon G&C approval. 99.2% Other (Private Grant), .8% Federal Funds.
Office of Medicaid Services
#15 Authorize to enter into a sole source agreement with Matthew Ertas, Freemont, NH, to provide independent consulting services regarding technical assistance for establishing business practices in an amount not to exceed $9,900. Effective upon G&C approval through December 31, 2016. 100% General Funds.
Bureau of Facilities and Assets Management
#16 Authorize to enter into a retroactive sole source amendment to the existing lease with Riverside Properties of Nashua Inc., Nashua, NH (originally approved by G&C on 10-21-09, item #56), for continued occupation by the Southern District Office, by increasing the price in the amount of $820,000 to $4,735,462 from $3,915,462, and by extending the term from August 31, 2016 to December 31, 2017. 60% General, 40% Federal Funds.
Bureau of Homeless and Housing Services
#17 Authorize to enter into sole source agreements with the vendors as detailed in letter dated October 11, 2016, to provide permanent supportive housing and transitional housing programs to homeless individuals with disabilities and their families through the Federal Continuum of Care program in an amount not to exceed $134,241. Effective December 1, 2016 or upon G&C approval, whichever is later, through November 30, 2017. 100% Federal Funds.
Division for Behavioral Health
#18 Authorize the Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Services to enter into a sole source agreement with the Juvenile Court Diversion Network Inc., Concord, NH, for the provision of Juvenile Court Diversion Services for individuals 17 years of age and younger who have been arrested for a first-time offense, in an amount not to exceed $516,848. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2018. 100% Other Funds.
#19 Authorize to enter into an agreement with Innovent Global Inc., West Palm Beach, FL, to expand the availability of temporary nurse staffing services to NH Hospital and Glencliff Home, in an amount not to exceed $4,090,000. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2017. 41% Other (Provider Fees), 27% Federal, 32% General Funds.
#20 Authorize to exercise a retroactive sole source contract amendment with Milton School District (originally approved by G&C on 6-19-13, item #135A), for the provision of Student Assistance Programing to address underage drinking among persons aged 12 to 20, and prescription drug misuse and abuse and illicit opioid misuse and abuse among persons aged 12 to 25, in high need, high risk populations in NH, by increasing the price by $180,000 from $3,239,901.69 to an amount not to exceed $3,419,901.69, and by extending the completion date from September 30, 2016 to June 30, 2018. 75% Federal, 25% General Funds.
Division of Public Health Services
#21 Authorize to enter into an agreement with Trustees of Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, to operate an incidence-based statewide cancer registry system in an amount not to exceed $1,190,940. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2018. 79% Federal, 21% General Funds.
Office of Information Services
#21A Authorize to enter into a sole source amendment to an existing contract with Xerox State Healthcare LLC, Atlanta, GA (originally approved by G&C on 12-4-05, late item C), to develop and operate the State’s Medicaid Management Information System, by increasing the price by $1,776,575 from $147,667,333 to a new amount not to exceed $149,443,908. Effective upon G&C approval through March 31, 2018. 90% Federal, 10% General Funds.
#22 Authorize the Bureau of Right of Way to pay property owners $100,000 as documented in the Contemplated Awards List for amounts greater than $5,000 for the period extending from October 6, 2016 through October 17, 2016.
#23 Authorize the Bureau of Transportation Systems Management & Operations to exercise a retroactive extension option for the current partnership agreement with TrafficLand Incorporated, Fairfax, VA (originally approved by G&C on 10-12-11, item #82), to provide a Video Information Distribution System, for an additional three years, effective from October 12, 2016 through October 12, 2019. No Additional Funding.
#24 Authorize the Bureau of Materials & Research to continue sole source participation in the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials of Washington DC Materials Reference Laboratory accreditation program, in the amount of $20,000. Effective upon G&C approval through September 30, 2017. 59% Federal, 33% Highway, 8% Other Funds.
#25 Authorize to accept and place on file the Bureau of Mechanical Services’ amended Equipment Acquisition Plan for Fiscal Year 2017.
#26 Authorize the Bureau of Planning and Community Assistance to enter into an agreement with the Town of Bristol, to provide funding under the Federal Safe Routes to School Program through a local project administration process to develop a travel plan for the Bristol Elementary School and Newfound Memorial Middle School in the Town of Bristol. Effective upon G&C approval, through September 30, 2019. 100% Federal Funds.
#27 Authorize to accept and place on file the summary report of agreements paid for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016.
#28 Authorize the Bureau of Environment to make payments to the Department of Environmental Services for permit application fees, and in lieu mitigation fees, for Department construction projects and maintenance activities requiring fill and dredge in wetlands, as well as other areas under the jurisdiction of RSA 482-A. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2017.
#29 Authorize to accept and place on file the Bureau of Finance & Contracts report of all paid Small Claims in the previous first quarter of FY 2017 totaling $1,019.99 for individual amounts less than $600. (2)Further authorize to pay small claims for the next Fiscal Year quarter, October 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016. 100% Highway Funds.
#30 Authorize to accept and place on file the Bureau of Construction’s quarterly basis summary of active projects that may require contingency use for the period through September 23, 2016.
#31 Authorize to accept and place on file the Bureau of Right of Way’s Contemplated Award List for amounts less than $5,000 for the sum total of $76,390.99 for the period extending from July 1, 2016 through September 30, 2016.
#32 Authorize the Bureau of Aeronautics to award a grant to the Pease Development Authority for SBG-15-07-2016 to construct the rehabilitation and expansion of taxilanes and the associated drainage system at the Skyhaven Airport, in the amount of $1,738,037.66. Effective upon G&C approval through September 1, 2020. 90% Federal, 5% General, 5% Local Funds.
#33 Authorize the Bureau of Aeronautics to provide funding to the City of Keene, NH, for SBG-08-15-2016 to rehabilitate, mark, light and sign Runway 14-32 and portions of associated taxiways (Phase 1) at the Dillant-Hopkins Airport in Keene, NH, in the amount of $402,800. Effective upon G&C approval through September 15, 2020. 90% Federal, 5% General, 5% Local Funds.
#34 Authorize the Bureau of Aeronautics to enter into a contract with Kirila Fire Training Facilities Inc., Brookfield, OH, to purchase and install equipment for safety improvements to the NH Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting training facility located in Concord, NH, in the amount not to exceed $399,000. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2017. 90% Federal, 10% General Funds.
#35 Authorize the Bureau of Rail & Transit to enter into transportation vehicle agreements with the sub-grantees as detailed in letter dated October 17, 2016. Effective upon G&C approval through the date the vehicles are disposed. 85% Federal, 7.5% Capital General, 7.5% Private/Local Funds.
#36 Authorize the Bureau of Construction to enter into a contract with B.U.R. Construction LLC, Claremont, NH, for installation of scour countermeasures on the Cresson Covered Bridge in Swanzey and the Ashuelot Covered Bridge in Winchester, on the basis of a low bid of $686,950. (2)Further authorize a contingency in the amount of $34,347.50 for payment of latent conditions which may appear during the construction of the project. Effective upon G&C approval through September 29, 2017. 80% Federal, 20% Other Funds.
#37 Authorize the Bureau of Construction to enter into a contract with Continental Paving Inc., Londonderry, NH, for pavement and bridge rehabilitation along I-93 in Thornton and Woodstock, on the basis of a low bid of $9,916,163.25. (2)Further authorize a contingency in the amount of $297,484.90 for payment of latent conditions which may appear during the construction of the project. Effective upon G&C approval through October 5, 2018. 100% Federal Funds.
#38 Authorize the Bureau of Construction to enter into a contract with Weaver Bros. Construction Co., Inc., Bow, NH, for replacing a deteriorated 9’ by 5’ reinforced concrete box culvert carrying NH Route 11A over West Alton Brook Gilford, on the basis of a low bid of $669,520.25. (2)Further authorize a contingency in the amount of $33,476.01 for payment of latent conditions which may appear during the construction of the project. Effective upon G&C approval through November 17, 2017. 100% Federal Funds.
#39 Authorize the Bureau of Construction to enter into a contract with Austin Construction Inc., Concord, VT, for replacing the structurally deficient bridge carrying NH 145 over Bishop Brook in Stewartstown, on the basis of a low bid of $1,398,236.80. (2)Further authorize a contingency in the amount of $97,876.58 for payment of latent conditions which may appear during the construction of the project. Effective upon G&C approval through June 15, 2018. 100% Federal Funds.
#40 Authorize the Bureau of Construction to enter into a contract with Brox Industries Inc., Dracut, MA, for resurfacing US 1 north of Rocks Road in Seabrook, 3.4 miles through Hampton Falls to Park Avenue in Hampton including all ramps of the US 1/NH 101 interchange, on the basis of a low bid of $2,949,323.65. (2)Further authorize a contingency in the amount of $147,466.181 for payment of latent conditions which may appear during the construction of the project. Effective upon G&C approval through October 20, 2017. 100% Federal Funds.
#41 Authorize the Bureau of Construction to enter into a contract with George R. Cairns & Son Inc., Windham, NH, for the construction of a park and ride facility just east of the I-93 Exit 3 northbound off ramp in Windham, on the basis of a low bid of $1,652,268.30. (2)Further authorize a contingency in the amount of $82,613.42 for payment of latent conditions which may appear during the construction of the project. Effective upon G&C approval through October 27, 2017. 100% Federal Funds.
#42 Authorize to accept and expend funds in the amount of $2,500 from the NH Department of Environmental Services for the purposes of maintaining and improving the existing GRANIT web site, archiving and distributing agency data through the GRANIT database and providing technical support services for the development of GIS data and applications. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2017.
#43 Authorize, for the benefit of the Department of Safety, to amend a contract with NIIT Technologies, Atlanta, GA (originally approved by G&C on 8-26-15, item #36), for technical support services, maintenance and testing of the Justice One (J-ONE) software and network applications, by increasing the price by $50,000 from $650,000 to $700,000. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2018. 100% Other (Agency Class 27) Funds: the agency class 27 used by DOS to reimburse DOIT for this contract is 100% DOS Highway Federal Funds.
#44 Authorize the Division of Medical Professions, Board of Pharmacy, to enter into a sole source retroactive contract with the NH Professionals Health Program, Amherst, NH, to manage and administer the Impaired Pharmacist Program for FY 2017, for an amount not to exceed $38,550. Effective July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. 100% Impaired Pharmacist Program Funds.
#45 Authorize the NH State Library to make a one-time payment to COSLINE, in the amount of $20,845.45 for the Cooperative Library Services and Technology Act Evaluation. 100% Federal Funds.
#46 Authorize to enter into a contract with TL2Q LLC, New York, NY, for a contingent fee of 10.25% of the gross amount identified and remitted to the state from audits/examinations of the records of any holder or person to determine compliance with RSA Chapter 471-C, Custody and Escheat of Unclaimed and Abandoned Property from November 16, 2016 to June 30, 2019. 100% Agency Income (Abandoned Property).
#47 Authorize to enter into a contract with Xerox State & Local Solutions Inc., Quincy, MA, for a contingent fee of between 10.25% and 12% of the gross amount identified and remitted to the state from audits/examinations of the records of any holder or person to determine compliance with RSA Chapter 471-C, Custody and Escheat of Unclaimed and Abandoned Property from November 16, 2016 to June 30, 2019. 100% Agency Income (Abandoned Property).
#48 Authorize to enter into a contract with Discovery Audit Services LLC, Baton Rouge, LA, for a contingent fee of 10.25% of the gross amount identified and remitted to the state from audits/examinations of the records of any holder or person to determine compliance with RSA Chapter 471-C, Custody and Escheat of Unclaimed and Abandoned Property from November 16, 2016 to June 30, 2019. 100% Agency Income (Abandoned Property).
#49 Authorize to enter into a contract with Treasury Service Group LLC, Kansas City, MO, for a contingent fee of 10.25% of the gross amount identified and remitted to the state from audits/examinations of the records of any holder or person to determine compliance with RSA Chapter 471-C, Custody and Escheat of Unclaimed and Abandoned Property from November 16, 2016 to June 30, 2019. 100% Agency Income (Abandoned Property).
#50 Authorize to enter into a sole source contract with Axiomatic LLC, Portsmouth, NH, for municipal and property management system support and maintenance in an amount not to exceed $750,000. Effective January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2018. 100% General Funds.
#51 Authorize to enter into a sole source contract amendment with East Coast Security Services LLC, Salem, NH (originally approved by G&C on 11-20-13, item #30) for an additional year of statewide alarm testing, monitoring and maintenance services, by increasing the amount by $34,332 from $95,668 to $130,000. Effective December 1, 2016 to November 30, 2017.
#52 Authorize to sell NHES properties located at 300 Hanover Street and 436 Maple Street, Manchester, NH, to 300 Hanover Street LLC, for a combined total of $1,250,000 plus an additional $1,100 as an administrative fee. Effective upon G&C approval. (2)Further authorize NHES to pay 3% of the gross proceeds from the sale of 300 Hanover Street and 6% of the gross proceeds from the sale of 436 Maple Street, Manchester, NH to The Norwood Group Inc, Bedford NH, as its commission for real estate brokerage and marketing services provided with respect to the Properties pursuant to the terms of an Exclusive Listing Agreement dated June 24, 2016. Effective upon G&C approval. (3)Further authorize to enter into a lease agreement with the Buyer to lease back 8,615 square feet of office space in 300 Hanover Street, Manchester, NH, along with related common area, at a cost of $172,308 annually. The total cost of the agreement shall not exceed $861,540. Effective January 1, 2017 through December 30, 2021.
#53 Authorize to enter into a holdover lease agreement with the Riverside Properties of Nashua Inc., Nashua, NH, for the purpose of probation/parole office space in an amount not to exceed $71,434.32. Effective December 19, 2016 through December 1, 2017. 100% General Funds.
#53A Authorize to grant an annual salary increment to Nicole Brassard-Jordan, Division Director of Marketing, Merchandising, and Warehousing, in the amount of $4,844.32 from Salary Grade GG, Step 4, $88,385.44 to Salary Grade GG, Step 5, $93,229.76. Effective December 2, 2016. 100% Liquor Funds.
#54 Authorize to continue membership and participation in the New England Conference of Public Utilities Commissioners Inc., for an amount of $24,000. Effective retroactive to October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017. 100% Other Funds (Utilities Assessment).
#55 Authorize to continue membership and participation in the Clean Energy States Alliance, for an amount of $15,000. Effective retroactive to July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. 100% Renewable Energy Funds, a non-lapsing special fund continually appropriated to the Commission.
#56 Authorize to extend position #8T2896, Program Assistant I, LG 12 in a temporary full time status from January 20, 2017 through October 31, 2017. The estimated fiscal impact is $43,614. 20% General, 80% Other Funds.
#57 Authorize to accept and place on file the report of transfers of funds for the quarter ending September 30, 2016.
#58 Authorize to accept and place on file the report of activities for the Job Training Program for Economic Growth for fiscal year 2016
#59 Authorize the Division of Parks and Recreation, Cannon Mountain, to enter into a contract with Bob Ailes Roofing Inc., St. Johnsbury, VT, for the labor and materials required to complete the Tram Motor Room Roof Coating Project at Cannon Mountain Aerial Tramway and Ski Area in Franconia Notch State Park, in the amount of $78,000. (2)Further authorize a contingency in the amount of $3,900 to cover any unforeseen issues that may arise. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2017. 100% Cannon Mountain Capital Improvement Fund.
#60 Authorize the Division of Parks and Recreation, Cannon Mountain to enter into a sole source retroactive contract with Doppelmayr USA Inc., Salt Lake City, UT, for the labor and materials required to complete the Cannonball Bullwheel repairs at Cannon Mountain located in Franconia Notch State Park, in the amount of $38,973. Effective October 1, 2016 through December 1, 2016. 100% Agency Income.
#61 Authorize the Division of Travel and Tourism Development to award a grant to the NH Campground Owners’ Association in the amount of $34,299.41 for their 2016-2017 in-state and out-of-state marketing project under the Joint Promotional Program. Effective upon G&C approval through December 31, 2017. 100% General Funds.
#62 Authorize the Division of Forests and Lands to budget and expend $16,000 from USDA Forest Service Consolidated Grants for the purpose of funding a projected deficit in the benefits class of the Urban Forestry Assistance Fund. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2017. (2)Further authorize to accept and expend a USDA Forest Service Diversity Internship Grant in the amount of $20,000. Effective upon G&C approval through September 30, 2017. 100% Federal Funds.
#63 Authorize the Division of Forests and Lands to budget and expend $63,000 from the Stone Property Trust Fund Control Account for the purpose of property maintenance, vehicle replacement, equipment purchases and funding website development. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2017. 100% Trust Funds.
#64 Authorize to enter into a sole source grant agreement with the Town of Exeter for agreed upon expenses associated with the Great Dam Removal and River Restoration Project, in the amount of $35,000. Effective upon G&C approval through December 30, 2017. 71% Fisheries Habitat, 29% Rivers Protection Funds.
#65 Authorize to enter into a single bid agreement with Process Energy Services LLC, Londonderry, NH, for technical wastewater and drinking water process energy auditing and technical assistance services, in the amount of $273,630. Effective upon G&C approval through March 31, 2018. 100% Federal Funds.
#66 Authorize Village Green Condominium Association’s request to perform work on Lake Winnipesaukee in Laconia.
#67 Authorize Robert M. Larocque’s request to perform work on Lake Winnipesaukee in Alton.
#68 Authorize Gregory & Sandra DeSisto’s request to perform work on Sagamore Creek in Portsmouth.
#69 Authorize to enter into a contract with ENE Systems of NH, Bow, NH, for the sole purpose of providing heat pump mechanical repairs at the NH Veterans Home, in the amount of $32,978.75. Effective upon G&C approval through March 31, 2017. 100% General Funds.
#70 Authorize to accept and place on file the Annual Report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2016.
#71 Authorize the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation to enter into a contract with the Brain Injury Association of NH, Concord, NH, to provide independent living services in an amount not to exceed $79,518. Effective November 17, 2016 through September 30, 2017. 100% Federal Funds.
#71A Authorize the Bureau of Career Development to enter into a sole source contract with the University of NH, to provide professional development training in group facilitation, in an amount not to exceed $2,450. Effective upon G&C approval through November 30, 2016. 100% Federal Funds.
#72 Authorize to enter into a service agreement with Granite State Police Career Counseling LLC, to provide technical law enforcement training, at a cost of $18,475. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2017. 100% General Funds.
#73 Authorize to enter into a service agreement with the Institute of Police Technology Management of the University of North Florida to provide technical law enforcement training, at a cost of $72,000. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2017. 100% General Funds.
#74 Authorize the Division of State Police, Bureau of Criminal Records to enter into a sole source contract with MorphoTrak LLC, Anaheim, CA, to continue utilizing the Automated Fingerprint Identification System, in the amount of $3,979,678. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2027. 100% Revolving Funds.
#75 Authorize the Division of Motor Vehicles to exercise an option to renew the sole source contract with Penton Business Media Inc., New York, NY (originally approved by G&C on 1-15-14, item #56), for vehicle valuation and identification information services required for the Municipal Agent Automation Project, by increasing the amount from $295,809 to $493,015 and by extending the end date from December 31, 2016 to December 31, 2018. 100% Revolving Funds (Plate Fees).
#76 Authorize the Division of State Police to accept and expend $98,178 from the Office of Highway Safety, titled NHSP Distracted Driving Patrols for the purpose of encouraging all motor vehicle operators to focus on the task of driving. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2017. 100% Agency Income.
#77 Authorize the Division of State Police to retroactively pay annual dues of $6,500 to SEARCH Group Inc., the National Consortium for Justice Information and Statistics, Sacramento, CA. Effective October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2017. 100% Revolving Funds.
#78 Authorize to retroactively pay Michael Anderson the amount of $2,425.52 for a missed increment that was due for the period of October 2, 2014 through June 11, 2016. 52% General, 25% Highway, 23% Turnpike Funds.
#79 Authorize the Division of Administration to retroactively pay Steven Sloper the amount of $2,106.62 owed him due to an incorrect wage schedule entry for the period of February 5, 2016 through June 9, 2016. 52% General, 25% Highway, 23% Turnpike Funds.
#80 Authorize to grant an annual salary increment to Frederick J. Lulka, Criminal Investigator from Salary Group BB, Step 3 $61,998.56 to Salary Group BB, Step 4 $65,576.16. Effective upon G&C approval, or upon G&C approval, whichever is the latter.
#81 Authorize to accept and place on file the report of all vehicles which have non-business use exceeding 20% for Fiscal Year 2016.
#82 Authorize the Division of Public Works Design and Construction to enter into a contract with Gerard A. Laflamme Inc., Manchester, NH, for the Marine Patrol Generator Replacement, at the NH Marine Patrol Headquarters, Gilford, NH, for a total price not to exceed $129,300. (2)Further authorize the amount of $6,641 for payment to the Department of Administrative Services, Division of Public Works Design and Construction, for engineering services provided, bringing the total to $135,941. Effective upon G&C approval through May 12, 2017. 100% Other Funds (Navigation Safety Fund).
#83 Authorize the Division of Public Works Design and Construction to enter into a retroactive emergency contract with Northern Peabody LLC, Manchester, NH, to complete repairs to the main water valves at the NH State Prison for Men, for a total price not to exceed $120,500. Effective October 19, 2016 through December 23, 2016. 29% Operating-General, 71% Capital-General Funds.
#84 Authorize the Division of Public Works Design and Construction to enter into a contract with D.L. King and Associates Inc., Nashua, NH, for the administration building restroom upgrades, Sununu Youth Center, Manchester, NH, for a total price not to exceed $109,850. Effective upon G&C approval through March 17, 2017. 88% Capital-General, 12% Federal Funds. (2)Further authorize the amount of $7,500 for payment to the Department of Administrative Services, Division of Public Works Design and Construction, Capital clerk for oversight and engineering services provided, bringing the total to $117,350. 100% Capital-General Funds.
#85 Authorize a Working Capital Warrant in the amount of $725,000,000 to cover the payment of expenditures for the month.
#86 Authorize the Division of Personnel’s request for waiver of classification decisions.
#87 Authorize the Division of Public Works Design and Construction to enter into a contract with Brookstone Builders Inc., Manchester, NH, for the Pharmacy and Miscellaneous Office Renovations at NH Hospital, Concord, NH, for a total price not to exceed $842,600. Effective upon G&C approval through July 31, 2017. 99.95% Capital-General, 4% Federal, .01% General Operating Funds. (2)Further authorize a contingency in the amount of $70,000 for unanticipated expense, bringing the total to $912,600. 100% Capital-General Funds. (3)Further authorize the amount of $33,500 for payment to the Department of Administrative Services, Division of Public Works Design and Construction, Capital clerk for oversight and engineering services provided, bringing the total to $946,100. 100% Capital-General Funds. (2)Further authorize the amount of $1,500 for payment to the Department of Administrative Services, Division of Public Works Design and Construction, for engineering services provided, bringing the total to $947,600. 96% Capital-General, 4% Federal Funds.
Division of Family Assistance
#9 TABLED – The Governor and Council on motion of Councilor Wheeler, seconded by Councilor Kenney, voted to table the request to amend an existing agreement with Good News Garage LSS Inc., a subsidiary of Ascentria Care Alliance, Worcester, MA (originally approved by G&C on 5-1-13, item #37A), to provide affordable car ownership opportunities to low income individuals, by increasing the price by $275,000 from $1,794,700 to $2,069,700. Effective upon G&C approval through the original end date of June 30, 2017. 100% Federal Funds.
CONFIRMATION TABLED (Tabled at G&C Meeting 6/15/16)
The Governor and Council on motion of Councilor Wheeler, seconded by Councilor Sununu, and with Councilors Van Ostern and Pappas voting no, voted to table the following confirmation:
Executive Branch Ethics Committee - RSA 21-G:29
(Nominated by the State Treasurer)
Gregory L. Silverman (d), Concord Effective: June 30, 2016
Reappointment Term: June 30, 2019