Hampton Beach Half Shell, Hampton, New Hampshire
August 2, 2017, 10:00 a.m.
#1 MOP 150, I, B (1): Expenditure Approvals
#A. Authorize a waiver from MOP Section 1102 (K), for one biologist to travel in a state vehicle to attend the 53rd Northeast Deer Technical Committee Meeting in Keene, Ontario, for the amount of $1,111.05, during the period of September 25-28, 2017. 100% Agency Income.
Bureau of Human Resources Management
#B. Authorize to enter Lori Shibinette into an education tuition agreement with Rivier University, Nashua, NH, to participate in the course entitled Culturally Competent Leadership, during the period of September 5, 2017 through December 15, 2017, and to pay said costs in the amount of $2,000. 100% Genera Funds (Employee Training).
Bureau of Human Resources Management
#C. Authorize to enter Daniella L. Bove into an education tuition agreement with Franklin Pierce University, Manchester, NH, to participate in the course entitled Intro to Criminal Justice, during the period of September 11, 2017 through November 4, 2017, and to pay said costs in the amount of $994.50. 100% Genera Funds (Employee Training).
#D. Authorize to enter Brendhan Harris into an educational tuition agreement with College for America at Southern NH University, to participate in 12 Completed Competencies, during the period of September 1, 2017 through February 28, 2018, and to pay costs not to exceed $1,500. 100% Other (Administrative Assessment) Funds.
#E. Authorize to enter Travis Emerson into an educational tuition agreement with Granite State College, Concord, NH, to participate in the courses: (a) Statistics MATH 504-1OL; and (b) Critical Inquiry CRIT 501-1OL, during the period of September 12, 2017 through December 8, 2017, and to pay costs not to exceed $2,456. Lottery Funds.
Bureau of Human Resources Management
#F. Authorize to enter Shannon Quinn into an educational tuition agreement with Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH, to participate in the courses: (a) Introduction to Instructional Design, during the period of September 5, 2017 through October 27, 2017; and (b) Designing Online Learning Experiences, during the period of October 30, 2017 through December 22, 2017, and to pay said costs in an amount of $2,000. 100% General Funds (Employee Training).
#G. Authorize the Comptroller to issue a warrant from funds not otherwise appropriated in the amount of $32,424, and the State Treasurer to issue checks in the amount of $32,423.67 to the rightful owners of abandoned or unclaimed funds.
#2 MOP 150, I, B (2): Approval of Acceptances
#A. Authorize to accept donations of engraving on the walkway, a bench, computer services and a trimmer and in the amount of $2,915.65 for the NH State Veterans Cemetery to be used for the operation, maintenance, and improvement of the cemetery.
#B. Authorize to accept monies totaling $19,433.91 received during the period of April 1, 2017 to June 30, 2017 as a result of fundraising drives from various organizations and from personal contributions.
#C. Authorize to accept non-monetary donations totaling $3,000 received during the period of April 1, 2017 to June 30, 2017, as a result of contributions.
#3 MOP 150, I, B (3): Reports and Findings - NONE
#4 MOP 150, I, B (4): Nominations, Confirmations and Appointments
#A. Authorize confirmation of Captain Donald A. Huntington, Hopkinton, NH, for promotion to the rank of Major, NH Army National Guard.
#B. Authorize confirmation of Major Jeffrey M. Samon, Candia, NH, for promotion to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, NH Army National Guard.
#C. Authorize confirmation of Colonel David A. Stevenson, Manchester, NH, for appointment to the rank of Colonel, NH Air National Guard.
#D. Authorize nomination of Major Cynthia J. Dechenes, Brunswick, ME, for appointment to the rank of Major, NH Air National Guard. This officer meets all prerequisites for this grade, having been found to be physically, mentally, and professionally qualified.
#E. Authorize nomination of Captain James R. Blume, Wilbraham, MA, for promotion to the rank of Major, NH Air National Guard. This officer meets all prerequisites for this grade, having been found to be physically, mentally, morally, and professionally qualified.
#F. Authorize to reappoint Geoffrey W. R. Ward as an Assistant Attorney General at a salary level of $75,075. Effective August 4, 2017 through August 20, 2022.
#G. Authorize to reappoint Robert J. Sullivan to a position where he will remain as a Criminal Investigator at a salary of $63,238.76 (LG BB, Step 3). Effective August 4, 2017 through August 4, 2022.
#H. Authorize to appoint James O. Kinney as a Criminal Investigator at a salary level of $63,238.76 (LG BB, Step 3). Effective upon G&C approval or August 7, 2017, whichever is the later, through June 30, 2022.
#5 MOP 150, I, B (5): Other Items – NONE
Bureau of Human Resource Management
#6 Authorize to make a retroactive one-time payment from State Fiscal year 2018 funds to William Windler, non-classified employee, Division of Children, Youth and Families, Sununu Youth Services Center, in the amount of $2,762.07 to compensate for wages that were not paid for State Fiscal Years 2015, 2016 and 2017. 100% General Funds.
Office of Medicaid Services
#7 Authorize to retroactively pay the National Association of Medicaid Directors, Washington, DC, for annual membership dues in the amount of $7,500 for the period of July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. 50% General, 50% Federal Funds.
New Hampshire Hospital
#8 Authorize retroactive renewal of the 20% increase in the compensation of the Occupational Therapist I and II positions currently assigned to the Rehabilitation Department of the period of July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2018. 32% General, 39% Other (provider fees), 29% Federal Funds.
#8A Authorize to enter into a sole source agreement with Joint Commission Resources Inc., Oak Brook, IL, for the provision of an independent, expert review, to be used for the purpose of evaluating the impact of staffing levels on the quality of care at NH Hospital, in an amount not to exceed $85,000. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2018. 20% Federal, 34% General, 46% Agency Funds.
Glencliff Home
#9 Authorize to implement a 15% base hourly wage enhancement to nursing staff currently paid under the Institutional Nurse pay scale for recruitment and retention purposes at Glencliff Home, to increase funding by $452,300 in State Fiscal Year 2018 and $458,200 in State Fiscal Year 2019. Effective retroactive to July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2019. 100% General Funds.
Division for Behavioral Health
#10 Authorize New Hampshire Hospital to enter into a sole source agreement with Dr. David A. Bogacz, Concord, NH, to provide dental supervision services, in an amount not to exceed $840. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2018. 20% Federal, 34% General, 46% Other Funds.
#10A Authorize the Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Abuse to enter into sole source agreements with the vendors as detailed in letter dated June 29, 2017, to expand the program infrastructure necessary to provide Medication Assisted Treatment services to individuals with opioid use disorders, in an amount not to exceed $2,250,000. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2020. 100% Federal Funds.
#10B Authorize to exercise a no-cost amendment to a sole source contract with New Futures Inc., Concord, NH (originally approved by G&C on 7-22-15, item #21), by modifying the scope of service and maintaining the price limitation of $312,208.89. Effective upon G&C approval through the original completion date of September 30, 2017. 100% Federal Funds.
#10C Authorize the Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Services to enter into a sole source retroactive agreement with Families in Transition, Manchester, NH, to support expanded outpatient and intensive outpatient services in an amount not to exceed $358,724. Effective July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. 20% General, 80% Federal Funds.
Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Services
#10D Authorize to enter into an agreement with Granite Pathways, Concord, NH, to provide a Family Support Coordinator, in an amount not to exceed $120,000. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2018. 100% Other Funds.
#11 Authorize to accept and place on file the Bureau of Environment’s annual accounting of permit fees and Aquatic Resource Mitigation Fund payments made during fiscal year 2017 which is being submitted to the Department of Environmental Services for construction projects and maintenance activities requiring fill and dredge in wetlands, as well as other areas. Authority to make payments to DES for fiscal year 2018 was approved at the meeting of the Governor and Council on June 7, 2017, item #44.
#12 Authorize the Bureau of Transportation Systems Management & Operations to enter into a contract with Ossipee Mountain Electronics Inc., Moultonborough, NH, for the purpose of providing mobile radio installation services on the basis of a low bid in the amount of $29,077.30. Effective upon G&C approval through July 1, 2019. 83% Highway, 17% Turnpike Funds.
#13 Authorize to accept funds in the amount of $1,000 from the University of NH, Durham, NH, for the participation of the Council on Developmental Disabilities in a series of project meetings associated with the Disability Community Planning Group of the UNH Institute On Disability, Disability and Public Health Project, in the State Fiscal Year 2018 and through June 30, 2018. 100% Other (UNH grant) Funds.
#14 Authorize to retroactively execute the first of two contract renewal options with Dignard Architectural Services, Bedford, NH (originally approved by G&C on 6-24-15, item #109), for Professional Architectural Services for planning and design of various projects as necessary and required by the Department, in an amount not to exceed $400,000. Effective July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018.
#15 Authorize to retroactively execute the first of two contract renewal options with Tighe & Bond Inc., Westfield, MA (originally approved by G&C on 6-10-15, item #41), for Professional Civil/Environmental Engineering & Master Planning Services for planning and design of various projects as necessary and required by the Department, in an amount not to exceed $400,000. Effective July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018.
#16 Authorize the Division of Regulatory Services to budget and expend grant funds from the US Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service, in the amount of $99,500. Effective upon G&C approval through September 30, 2022. 100% Federal Funds.
#17 Authorize to enter into an agreement with Ascentria Community Services d/b/a The Language Bank, Concord, NH, for in-person interpretation and written translation services, in the amount not to exceed $12,000. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2019. 100% Federal Funds.
#18 Authorize to continue membership and participation in the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, for an amount of $9,976. Effective retroactive to July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. 100% Other Funds (Utilities Assessments).
#19 Authorize to continue membership and participation in the Clean Energy States Alliance, for an amount of $17,800. Effective retroactive to July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. 100% Renewable Energy Funds.
#20 Authorize the Division of Forests and Lands request to accept and place on file a Report of Federal Landholdings.
#21 Authorize the Division of Forests and Lands to convey by quitclaim deed, a 0.1 acre portion of Bradford Pines Natural Area, Bradford (BPNA), NH to Frederick Vega, in exchange for an undeveloped 0.1-acre parcel abutting BPNA, also in Bradford, NH. No State Funds. (2)Further authorize to accept, by warranty deed from Frederick Vega, title to a 0.1-acre parcel of undeveloped land fronting the Warner River, abutting BPNA in the Town of Bradford. No State Funds. (3)Further authorize to accept the $1,100 administrative fee for deposit into the Forest Improvement Fund.
#22 Authorize the Division of Forests and Lands to enter into a retroactive memorandum of agreement with the Department of Transportation for equipment and antenna space in designated areas at Mount Washington State Park, for total annual rent in the amount of $61,400. Effective July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2022, with the option to renew for three additional 5-year periods.
#23 Authorize to retroactively pay the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, Washington, DC, $26,689 annual assessment. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2018. 100% Fish and Game Funds.
#23A Authorize to enter into a memorandum of agreement with the Office of Energy and Planning (Effective July 1, 2017 Office of Strategic Initiatives), Concord, NH, to provide monitoring and stewardship services of the State’s interest in privately owned conservation lands held by NHFG, in the amount of $70,000. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2019. 75% Federal, 25% Fish and Game Funds.
#24 Authorize to pay membership dues to the Coastal States Organization, Washington, DC, in the amount of $8,544. Effective retroactive to July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. 100% Federal Funds.
#25 Authorize to enter into an agreement with Weld Power Services Company Inc., Millbury, MA, for as-needed rental and emergency repair services for Winnipesaukee River Basin Program generator sets in the amount of $59,600. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2021. 100% WRBP Funds.
#26 Authorize to enter into a retroactive sole source amendment to a contract with Environmental Sampling Technology Inc., Needham, MA (originally approved by G&C on 9-3-14, item #87), for flow metering services for the Winnipesaukee River Basin Program, by increasing the amount by $235,240 from $205,000 to $440,240, and by extending the contract to June 30, 2020 from June 30, 2017. 100% WRBP Funds.
#27 Authorize to retroactively amend a memorandum of agreement with the Environmental Council of the States (originally approved by G&C on 6-29-16, item #91), for the purpose of completing a nationwide inventory of State and Territorial environmental agency efforts to modernize the business of environmental protection, by extending the end date from June 30, 2017 to March 30, 2018. No Additional Funding. 100% Federal Funds.
#28 Authorize a Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan agreement with the Town of Hampton in an amount not to exceed $60,000 to finance the Wastewater and Stormwater Asset Management Program, Phase I Project. Effective upon G&C approval. 100% CWSRF Repayment Funds.
#29 Authorize a Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan agreement with the Town of Littleton in an amount not to exceed $2,000,000 to finance the Subarea #5 Wastewater Improvements Project. Effective upon G&C approval. 100% CWSRF Repayment Funds.
#30 Authorize to enter into a contract with Gomez and Sullivan Engineers D.P.C., Williamsville, NY, to provide engineering services for an independent safety evaluation of the Murphy Dam in Pittsburg, NH, in an amount not to exceed $48,516. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2018. 100% Connecticut-Coos Project Funds.
#31 Authorize to enter into a contract with The Rowley Agency Inc., Concord, NH, to purchase property insurance coverage for the Winnipesaukee River Basin Program, for a total cost not to exceed $37,041. Effective September 1, 2017 through September 1, 2018. 100% WRBP Funds.
#33 Authorize the City of Dover’s request to perform work on the Cocheco River in Dover.
#34 Authorize to enter into a contract with Scholastic Inc., New York, NY, to provide services for the NH Special Education Family and School Partnership Initiative, in an amount not to exceed $905,530. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2020. 100% Federal Funds.
#35 Authorize to enter into a contract with Community & Schools Partners LLC, Rye, NH, to assist with the oversight of the Initiative for School Empowerment and Excellence and related data systems, in an amount not to exceed $178,619.04. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2018, with the option to renew for up to two additional one-year terms. 78% Federal, 22% Other Funds.
#36 Authorize the Division of Administration to retroactively pay annual membership dues to the Federation of Tax Administrators, Washington, DC, in the amount of $5,897. Effective July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. 100% Highway Funds.
#37 Authorize the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management to retroactively exercise the extension option of the contract with OnSolve LLC, formerly Emergency Communications Network LLC, Ormond Beach, FL (originally approved by G&C on 9-3-14, item #119), for the purpose of providing uninterrupted services for the current web-based cellular phone notification system and associated services for alerting/warning the public of impending dangers, in an amount not to exceed $16,500, increasing the amount from $185,000 to a total of $201,500. Effective upon G&C approval through December 31, 2017. 100% Federal Funds.
#38 Authorize to grant Media Power Youth $100,000 to support the continued implementation of violence prevention through media literacy education programming in schools. Effective upon G&C approval through June 30, 2019. 100% General Funds.
#39 Authorize consideration of whether the petition of Tiffany Marie Smith (age31) requesting a pardon hearing for the offense of Burglary should be granted. The Petitioner is not eligible for an annulment until May 20, 2020.
#40 Authorize a Working Capital Warrant in the amount of $525,000,000 to cover the payment of expenditures for the month of September 2017.
#41 Authorize the Division of Personnel’s request for waiver of classification decisions.
#42 Authorize the Division of Public Works Design and Construction to enter into a contract with RTH Mechanical Contractors Inc., Brentwood, NH, for Steam Conversion at the Department of Justice and Legislative Office Buildings, Concord, NH, for a total price not to exceed $949,150. (2)Further authorize the amount of $18,000 for payment to the Department of Administrative Services, Division of Public Works Design and Construction, for engineering services provided, bringing the total to $967,150. Effective upon G&C approval through October 20, 2018. 100% General Funds.
#43 Authorize the Division of Public Works Design and Construction to enter into a contract with Structure Tone LLC, Boston, MA, for Steam Conversion at the Thayer, Johnson and Londergan buildings, at Hugh Gallen State Office Park South, Concord, NH, for a total price not to exceed $2,231,923.93. (2)Further authorize the amount of $26,000 for payment to the Department of Administrative Services, Division of Public Works Design and Construction, for engineering services provided, bringing the total to $2,257,923.93. Effective upon G&C approval through September 15, 2018. 100% General Funds.
On July 19, 2017 - The Governor and Council on motion of Councilor Pappas, seconded by Councilor Volinsky, voted to table the following confirmation:
New Hampshire Real Estate Commission - RSA 331-A:5
Andrea M. Delahunty, Danville Effective: September 15, 2017
Succeeding: Calley Milne, Manchester Term: September 15, 2022