New Hampshire
Secretary of State

Financial Interests RSA 15-A and 12-G

RSA 15-A. 15-A:1 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to ensure that the performance of official duties does not give rise to a conflict of interest, by requiring the following persons to file a statement of financial interests with the secretary of state.

Statement of Financial Interest - For your convenience, the forms can be filled out online then printed, signed and mailed to this office:

2024 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INTERESTS | Organizational Charts 

2023 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INTERESTS | Organizational Charts 

12-G Form - Statements of Financial Interests for Members of the Pease Development Authority - RSA 12-G

2024 Candidate 15-A Filings

All 2023 15-A filings will be searchable and viewable without logging in on our new system at  Completed filings for 2022 and prior, will remain viewable on this page below.

Note: The Secretary of State's Office is working on an on-line system for filing the RSA 15-A statements.  Unfortunately, the vendor did not fulfill their obligation to facilitate filings to be made on-line for the January 2022 filings.  Therefore, we are placing the filings here on the website as we have in the past, as well as posting the pdf's on the on-line system.   You can access the on-line system at  NHQS and clicking on "15-A Search"  Please be aware that the on-line system is a work in progress.

A | B | C | D | E-F | G | H | I-K | L | M | N-Q | R | S |T-Z 

Candidate Filings June 2022

To view RSA 14:5 reports filed by state senators, state representatives and officers of the general court click here


Note: The Secretary of State's Office is working on an on-line system for filing the RSA 15-A statements.  Unfortunately, the vendor did not fulfill their obligation to facilitate filings to be made on-line for the January 2021 filings.  Therefore, we are placing the filings here on the website as we have in the past, as well as posting the pdf's on the on-line system.   You can access the on-line system at  NHQS and clicking on "15-A Search"  Please be aware that the on-line system is a work in progress.

A | B | C | D | E-F | G | H | I-K | L | M | N-Q | R | S |T-Z 

2020 | List of Filers 2020

Candidate Filings - June 2020

A | B | C | D | E-F | G | H | I-K | LM | N-QR | S |T-Z

2019 | List of Filers - 2019 | Legislature

A | B | C | D | E-F | G | H | I-K | L | M | N-Q | R | S | T | U-Z

2018 | List of Filers - 2018 | Candidates

A | B | C | D | E-F | G | H | I-K | L | M | N-Q | R | S | T | U-Z

2017 | List of Required Filers - 2017 | Legislature

A | B | C | D | E-F | G | H | I-K | L | M | N-Q | R | S | T | U-Z |


Executive Branch Ethics Committee Opinion 2010-002 re. RSA 15-A Financial Statements

Executive Branch Ethics Committee Opinion 2012-1 re. RSA 15-A Financial Statements and RSA 14-B Financial Disclosure Form

Candidate Filings 2022

2020 Candidate Filings

Honorariums and Expense Reports – RSA 15-B and 14-C


EXECUTIVE BRANCH Honorarium or Expense Reimbursement Report

RSA 15-B Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to ensure that the performance of official duties does not give rise to a conflict of interest, by prohibiting certain gifts and by requiring certain persons to file with the secretary of state a report of any honorarium or expense reimbursement received.

LEGISLATIVE BRANCH Honorarium or Expense Reimbursement Report

RSA 14-C Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to ensure that persons charged with carrying out the duties and activities of the legislative branch of state government do so in an atmosphere that supports the independent judgment of such persons and minimizes the opportunity for inappropriate influence by persons or organizations subject to or likely to become subject to or interested in any matter or action pending in the legislative branch. To that end, this chapter defines gifts that may not be given to, solicited by, or accepted by persons subject to the provisions of the chapter and establishes requirements for the reporting of honorariums, expense reimbursements, and certain other receipts.

Guideline to State Agencies Offering Free or Discounted Items to State Legislators

Interpretive Ruling 2013 - (RSA 15-B) Payments to Legislators for Sponsored Travel and Services - What's Allowed and What Isn't

Advisory Opinion 2015-001: Whether an executive branch official who heads an agency can accept an all-expense paid 7-day trip to Israel, funded by the American-Israel Friendship League.


Lobbyists registered for 2024 legislative session - updated through October 3, 2024, pdfexcel

View Lobbyists Financial Reports

Letter dated Sept. 21, 2021  from Attorney General re: Lobbyists General Reporting Requirements | In-House Employees/Lobbyists


2024 Registration Forms - Individual lobbyists | Multi-lobbyists  

PLEASE do NOT email or fax these forms.  Mail with fee to Secretary of State, State House Room 204, 107 North Main Street, Concord, NH 03301.

Additional Forms - PLEASE do NOT email or fax these forms.  Mail to Secretary of State, State House Room 204, 107 North Main Street, Concord, NH 03301.

Statement of Income and Expenses (2024)
Addendum A (You must file this if you have received fees or made expenditures)
Addendum B (You must file this if you have paid an honorarium or have reimbursed expenses)
Addendum C (You must file this if you, your firm or your family has made political contributions)
Signature Form for Associated Lobbyists


The last statement due for lobbyists who were registered for the 2023 session is January 31, 2024. Statements for lobbyists registered for the 2024 legislative session shall be filed no later than the last Wednesday of April (April 24, 2024), July (July 31, 2024), October (October 30, 2024) and January (January 29, 2025) and will cover all fees received and expenditures, contributions, honorariums, or expense reimbursements made since the last required filing, from fees received at any time from a lobbying client or employer or from funds otherwise provided by the lobbyist, partnership, firm, or corporation, or from the client or employer. RSA 15:5, II.


Lobbyist Monthly Statement of Income and Expenses
(RSA Chapter 15)

Each lobbyist shall file with the Secretary of State itemized statements under oath of all fees received from any lobbying client that are related, directly or indirectly, to lobbying, such as public advocacy, government relations, or public relations services including research, monitoring legislation, and related legal work. RSA 15:6, I(a). The statement shall also include all expenditures made from lobbying fees, including by whom paid or to whom charged, any honorarium or expense reimbursement, as defined in RSA 15-B, or political contribution, as defined in RSA 664, made by the lobbyist in his or her professional or personal capacity, on behalf of the lobbyist, the partnership, firm, or corporation, or by the lobbyist on behalf of the client or employer or by a family member of the lobbyist. Family member shall mean any person related to and living in the same domicile as the lobbyist, who share a common economic interest in the expenses of daily living, including, but not limited to a spouse, child, or parents. RSA 15:6, I(b) and (c).

A separate statement shall be filed by a lobbyist for each client for whom there has been reportable transactions. A separate statement may be filed for transactions which have been made by the lobbyist or lobbying partnership, firm, or corporation which are unrelated to any specific client, for example reporting a political contribution made by a lobbyist family member. If there has been no change to the aggregate year to date income reported on the last statement filed and there have been no other reportable transactions relative to a particular client or by the lobbyist/lobbyist firm unrelated to any client, an abbreviated report (summary page only) may be filed in lieu of a full statement.
Lobbyist Employment Restrictions - RSA 21-G:26


2023 Registration Forms - Individual lobbyists | Multi-lobbyists  

PLEASE do NOT email or fax these forms.  Mail with fee to Secretary of State, State House Room 204, 107 North Main Street, Concord, NH 03301.

Additional Forms - PLEASE do NOT email or fax these forms.  Mail to Secretary of State, State House Room 204, 107 North Main Street, Concord, NH 03301.

Statement of Income and Expenses (2023)
Addendum A (You must file this if you have received fees or made expenditures)
Addendum B (You must file this if you have paid an honorarium or have reimbursed expenses)
Addendum C (You must file this if you, your firm or your family has made political contributions)
Signature Form for Associated Lobbyists


April 24, 2024      Filed Reports  
July 31, 2024      Filed Reports  
October 30, 2024      Filed Reports  
January 29, 2025       


April 26, 2023      Filed Reports  
July 26, 2023      Filed Reports  
October 25, 2023      Filed Reports  
January 31, 2024      Filed Reports  

Administration Division

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